Washington College’s Institute for Religion, Politics and Culture will bestow its second annual Os Guinness Award for Service to the Public Good to former U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint, who served in Congress for 14 years, is the former president of the Heritage Foundation, and is current chair of the Conservative Partnership Institute in Washington, D.C.
The free, public event will happen Dec. 5 at 7 p.m. in the Prager Family Auditorium at 17 S. Washington St., Easton, where DeMint will also present a talk discussing his new book “Conservative: Knowing what to Keep.”
Named in honor of the influential public intellectual Os Guinness, the Institute’s annual Os Guinness Award recognizes men and women of exceptional accomplishment whose commitment to upholding America’s founding values of freedom, family, the strength of civic and religious organizations, and the rule of law has advanced the public good.
DeMint represented South Carolina’s 4th District as a Republican from 1999 to 2005, then was elected to the Senate and served there until 2013, when he stepped down to become president of the Heritage Foundation. He is currently the president of the Conservative Partnership Institute in Washington, D.C.
The Institute for Religion, Politics and Culture at Washington College studies the historic and continuing contributions of religion to political and cultural life, the enduring value of America’s founding principles, and pressing issues of public concern. For more information contact [email protected].
Bob Ingersoll says
First WAC refuses to let a play be shown on campus, and in the same week announces that a prize for Service to The Public Good is to be awarded to Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina. I think I must have gone to sleep last week and awakened in a parallel universe.
arlene lee says
Bob, you read my mind. Wow….
Skip Middleton says
As an alum, I’m embarrassed to agree- oddly political, and to an extreme end. I wonder as to the source of the funds and to the committee and it’s criteria. This seems atypical.
George Shivers says
I urge the the President and Prof. Prudhomme to reconsider granting this award to former Senator DeMint. The Heritage Foundation has relieved him of his position there apparently largely because of his flamboyant style and his attempts to politicize what was intended to be a primarily research organization. He is not just a conservative; his views and his history in the Senate are appalling.
kurt landgraf says
Senator DeMint will not be receiving a Washington College Award
Chris Gordon says
Does Mr.Prud’homme know that Mr.DeMint is opposed to stem cell research? Does he know that DeMint wants to prohibit gays from teaching in public schools? Does he know that DeMint is adamantly opposed to same sex marriage? Or does he approve of these stands?
If WC wants to honor a conservative politician, they can certainly do better than DeMint.
Joseph Prud'homme says
As a leading liberal arts college Washington College is fortunate to contain numerous academic sub units such as the CV Starr Center, the Lit House, the Center for Environment and Society, the Goldstein Program, the Harwood Program on Journalism, and the Richard Holstein Ethics Program. I have the honor of directing one such unit, the Institute for the Study of Religion, Politics and Culture. This event is not a conferral of a college-wide prize. Instead, inspired by the noted public intellectual Os Guinness, the Institute’s annual Os Guinness Lecture Series recognizes individuals with a long record of service whose work underscores the importance of exploring the historic and continuing contributions of religious traditions in American political and cultural life. This annual event affords a prominent individual the opportunity to present a public talk to the community to express his or her understanding of important questions relating to faith, culture, law, and society. Now in its second year, each event has ample opportunity for audience questions and community engagement. The Institute is already planning the Os Guinness series for 2020 and 2021 and true to the intent of the series, it will have a range of voices. Please consider joining us for the Os Guinness Lecture this year or in the years ahead.
Tom Steele says
The prize being bestowed on Senator DeMint still carries the implied endorsement of the college. Did President Landgraf know of or endorse this? Was this run through the college’s PR department? Who voted on this – was it a committee of one?
Kevin T Kroencke Class of 82 says
Not only implies but clearly states in it’s name “Washington College’s Institute for Religion, Politics and Culture” if this doesn’t smack of hypocrisy after the recent censoring of the Student Senior Thesis play The Neighbor that was known to contain some controversial and potentially offensive to some material I don’t know what could.