If something is obvious I note it and move on. Last night’s debate was a debacle.
President Trump specializes in distraction. Last night’s performance was his specialty at work. There are no rotating spotlights in Trump’s world. Rules to the contrary are readily breached.
Inevitably the post-debate commentary noted Joe Biden’s numerous interruptions. A better strategy might have been to just let Trump be Trump. But my intuitive assessment is that if Biden had taken a decorous approach it would have aligned with the low energy criticism and not served him well.
My further thought regards the moderator. I have watched Chris Wallace numerous times and regard him as quite able. Last night was once again proof that the Trump style is disabling.
Finally, if I were representing Biden I would insist on what I call the silent mic rule. If the rules on time allotted or interruption are breached then the mic would be turned off. The rules would mute craziness; the viewers would not have to use their TV mute button.
I am sure political wizards are busy trying to figure out what strategic or tactical approaches will best serve their candidate. Speaking as one member of the audience and electorate, my attitude is simple: do not embarrass the United States a second time.
Al Sikes is the former Chair of the Federal Communications Commission under George H.W. Bush. Al recently published Culture Leads Leaders Follow published by Koehler Books.
Stacey Guthrie says
Agree – turn off the mic when time is up.
In fact, turn off the camera, too
Deirdre LaMotte says
Am I missing something? Trump confirmed last night that he will negate the results of this election should he
lose. And we are talking about “who won”?
This is beyond weird. It is complacency and the fault of all those who are trying to appear “impartial”.
Ed Plaisance says
Anyone remember the soundproof booth on the $64,000 Question?
With all the creativity we see in the use of acrylic shields for pandemic isolation, they could cobble together some very handsome units for the candidates.
With the sound off, Trump would look like a guppy in a fish bowl.
Patricia Heaps says
And Biden would look like an old man yelling at the kids to get off his lawn.
Howard McCoy says
Please!!! Somebody pull the plug on Trump.
Chuck Engstrom says
Best comment I have seen so far, somewhere else, is the suggestion that the next moderator should be Samuel L. Jackson.