Let me make this simple. America’s voters should be allowed to escape the emotional trap that has increasingly become the framework of Presidential politics. The debate about the debate and the performative result when a debate finally happens.
Straightforward questions and answers should be available to the voters. At least those who want them.
I am not against debates, but rarely do they provide straight forward answers and often they are won or lost by theatrics. And while follow-up questions are allowed, too often they are weighted by the interviewers pre-dispositions. Journalism schools should have a course that teaches Jim Lehrer techniques for fair debates. Recall, Jim Lehrer was the PBS newsman that both sides most often found acceptable as a debate moderator.
Since we are only weeks away from an election, I propose two news organizations — the New York Times and Wall Street Journal concur on a list of questions not to exceed two per topic to submit to Trump and Harris. My beginning suggestions:
- What programs should be funded by increasing our national debt?
- How should we reconcile the gap between entitlement promises and funding?
- The limits, if any, of US support for Ukraine?
- In 200 words or less, what would a Trump or Harris Administration seek to achieve?
Now to my defense. Yes, there are many more questions that could be asked, but given today’s span of attention, lengthy questions and answers will not be read. Plus, the goal should be to provide a format that will persuade all media to participate in presenting the answers.
I have chosen only two newspapers (leaning left and right) to avoid time lapses and the potential of jockeying for more favorable formats or release dates. The questions should go out quickly and the candidates responses be required in five days.
Finally, I spent three and a half years at the Federal Communications Commission watching disputes devolve into lawyering. Surely these two esteemed news organizations can find a way to get out-of-the-way, allowing the two candidates to choose how straightforward they want to be and letting the voters reach their own conclusions.
Al Sikes is the former Chair of the Federal Communications Commission under George H.W. Bush. Al writes on themes from his book, Culture Leads Leaders Follow published by Koehler Books.