For Jack Russell, helping a starving fox would later have the gift returned as a life-saving friendship and a new perspective on the preservation of natural spaces encroached by urban life.
In his new book Fox World: 500 Miles and Walks and Talks with an Old Fox, Russell, a northern Virginia resident, tells the story of his recovery from critical heart surgery and the 14-month daily trek with his fox friend that changed his life.
Drafted on his smartphone during walks with the fox, Russell’s meditations, and “conversations” with the fox became the foundational ideas for the 342-page book he would write during the long months of the pandemic.
The narrative of Fox World is a deep dive into the animal kingdom thriving in a small, unnamed urban woods outside of Washington, DC. and the lessons learned from his immersion into the fox’s life.
In one passage, he writes about a sunrise:
“Mr. Fox turned east to observe a ritual. Weather encoded or born of his devotion to Mother Earth, he watched the sunrise every day with singular focus. He ignored the camera, the coffee thermos, and Old Man. Mr. Fox had a subtle lesson to share—enjoy every day—every minute of it, including the first minute. Old man felt small in Mr. Fox’s world at that moment. Old Man hung his head. What else in life had he glossed over? Plenty.”
The Bookplate Bookstore in Chestertown is proud to announce a new partnership with The Retriever Bar with a launch of an “Authors & Oysters” event series. On Wednesday, March 23rd at 6pm, all are invited to The Retriever to meet author Jack Russell for complimentary oysters and drinks as he discusses his new book, “Fox World; 500 Miles of Walks and Talks with an Old Fox”. Reservations are not required. Masks are recommended.
For more about Jack Russell and Fox World go here. For more event details contact The Bookplate at 410-778-4167. This video is approximately eight minutes in length.
Carol Casey says
Everyone should be able to experience what natural places mean. Thanks for this interview and thanks for this book.
jack russell says
Carol, I hope that you enjoy Mr. Fox’s story. Thank you.
Paula Reeder says
In Native American Indian lore, the Fox is associated with healing and intelligence and helping people solve problems or punishing them for ignorance. Uncannily, I am currently reading “Fox and I – An Uncommon Friendship” which has incredible parallels with Russel’s tale. It is amazing that two very different human beings have had such similar up close and personal experiences with individual Foxes of late. Can’t help but wonder what the Fox genus is up to these days….
jack russell says
Paula, it was so nice to meet you at the Bookplate’s event. I hope that you enjoyed the evening and Mr. Fox’s calling to all of us humans.