We asked yesterday how Spy readers felt about the second impeachment of President Trump. And, if impeachment does occur, we asked if President Trump should be banned from seeking the Presidency a second time.
Readers were pretty clear…
Strongly FAVOR impeachment — 84%
Strongly OPPOSE impeachment — 11%
President Trump SHOULD NOT be allowed to seek the presidency again — 86%
President Trump SHOULD be allowed to seek the presidency again — 3%
Leslie Moorhouse says
This is NO surprise as your reader base is 84% democratic….am I wrong? My problem with this continued dialogue of divisiveness is that it will eventually drive all of us sane people nuts…..Can you please STOP!!!!!
Enough already
Joseph A Fick says
84% Democrats, hardly democratic.
Could not agree more, this is a liberal rag.
Unity be dammed.
Thank you for saying it!
Keith says
I would encourage the 11 and 3% to head to Russia..or kindly commune in a redneck southern square and kill yaselves..nazi Germany and the confederacy are no longer welcome here.
Deirdre LaMotte says
Les, let us examine who is being “divisive ”. An insurrection caused directly by Trump encouragement, defiled, ,
ravaged..resulting in 5 deaths ..the Capitol while Members were doing their Constitutional duty…and you are not bothered by this?? Let us examine who has spent 4 years divided our nation. And now we have Members of Congress who evidently lead a “recon” of the Senate and House the day before.
Trump has thrown gasoline on every fire he incites, why is it the responsibility of Democrats to
promote healing? One heals by not ignoring the cancer, but by getting rid of it.
Leslie Moorhouse says
Thank you for the correction……Democrat….not democratic
Ginny Davis says
Nice to see the eastern shore has maintained its sanity…
Leslie Moorhouse says
…..and so, on it goes……very sad
Joseph Fick says
It will stop when we all totally concede to the left-wingers. Unity is a one way street for them.
Deirdre LaMotte says
Y’all are so funny. As the Trumpies indicated in 2016: “Yeah, Trump ain’t the ripest or best tastin’
tomater on the Vine, but at least he’s really red!!” But of course he’s orange, you know. Moral is:
Only a fool votes with his heart and not his head. You can fix most anything, but you can’t fix Stupid.
Jim Campbell says
So I’m wondering if all the politicians that have called for President Trumps head over the last four years and have encouraged people to harass and have “disturbance “ should be removed from their office. I don’t believe in two different systems one for the right and one for the left. We need to have everyone be responsible for their actions and WORDS.
Holly Geddes says
How binding will the results of this action be? Here’s a clue. The Constitution says that the presiding officer shall be the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. If he or she does not preside, then how legitimate is the procedure? Not very.