From Appomattox to June 24, 2022, despite its obvious flaws, the United States has stood for equality.
Although the nation has never been perfect — far from it! — the national ethos has been to move forward. Better lives for all. Equal opportunity. Equality before the law.
Now that six Supreme Court justices have decided women are no longer equal in America, state by state by state, women will be treated differently.
What’s OK in Maryland is not OK in Texas. Women no longer share the full range of constitutional freedoms. They are — again — relegated to second-class citizenship in a nation that once championed equality for all.
The great post-Civil War 14th Amendment no longer applies to women.
In a word, reprehensible.
Grenville B. Whitman
Rock Hall
Agree. It is nothing short of cruelty. One in four women have had an abortion and will continue to have abortions, as they have since time began. But this ruling has one purpose: to make females second class citizens. The right to
control the most private of decisions no longer belongs to her, it belongs to whoever her neighbors elect to the
state legislature: some Billy Bob used car salesman who wants tax breaks, or a dentist who wants to rant about the evils of teaching evolution, or some MAGA who cannot separate a democracy from his mega church. These are who
get to say what she does with her internal organs. Now they are now gunning to take away contraception…go figure that out. The one thing that could prevent a pregnancy, these sleazy people want to take that away.
Because it is about controlling women. Nothing else.
And this will be devastating to the GOP, who think this is less important than $5 gas.
Don E. Itall says
Earth to Deirdre, Earth to Deirdre…abortion will still be allowed to continue in Maryland, and in many other states. You’ll be able to kill babies to your heart’s content. Lets go for 2,000,000 instead of the current 1,000,000. But in as much as there was NEVER a Constitutional right to murder, you haven’t lost anything; just that your peers will now decide if infanticide will continue to be legal.
Deirdre LaMotte says
Well Don, you do know that a fetus is not a “baby” correct? You may want to work on facts before making such ignorant
comments. A baby is given US citizenship when it is born.
And, yes, I am against constitutional rights being determined by zip codes. But your kind could care less about democracy.
Women’s rights now end with conception and Right to Life ends at birth. The day that crazy eyed Barrett was
confirmed, I knew this nation was destroyed. She looks like the reincarnation of Charles Manson.
Karen L Smith says
They are certainly not interested in babies, who are now required to be born in many states only to be slaughtered by an AK47 in elementary school!