Happy Mystery Monday and Memorial Day! Do you know what native shrub is blooming now? It has prolific white blooms and produces black berries that are known for their immune-boosting qualities!
Last week, we asked you about the snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina)! They tend to range from 10 to 35 pounds and are the largest freshwater turtles in Maryland. They are estimated to lay anywhere from 12 to 55 eggs in a clutch, though the average is closer to 27. They prefer to keep to themselves in the security of ponds and marshy habitats, but if found on land they can be a bit ill-tempered. They are best left undisturbed unless they need help crossing the road, which you can do with caution. #admirefromadistance #snappingturtle #adkinsarboretum #mysterymonday #mysteryshrub
Adkins Mystery Monday is sponsored by the Spy Newspapers and Adkins Arboretum. For more information go here.
Julie Poehlman says
Adkins Arboretum is such a great place for families. It has so much to see and learn about nature. All 4 seasons. They are allowing free entrance now. Go with a camera. Wear bug protection. But it is a quiet place with many trails. It is an oasis to enjoy.
Arthur Heuer says
Mary Broadhurst says
Elderberry Sambucus americana