The Social Action Committee for Racial Justice is writing on behalf of families who live in and around the Calvert Heights neighborhood in Chestertown. Families whose children and teens have few places to play where they are welcomed and free from harassment. They have asked us to share their concerns about plans for the Ajax playground. Specifically, the plan to remove the current basketball hoop for teens and replace it with playground equipment just for children. This decision presents several problems for families in town resulting from long standing issues that have yet to be addressed:
1. Lack of Recreational Options for Teens: Families living in and around Chestertown have few safe locations for teens to play basketball together. Ajax park is frequently used by teens due to the limited options for them.
2. Safety Issues: Many parents are unwilling to allow their children to play ball at Gateway park, due to the traffic on and near the circle at Rt. 291. Young people can safely and easily make their way to Ajax park from any of the neighborhoods in town.
3. Harassment: Teens who congregate in most downtown areas are frequently asked to leave by shop owners or the Chestertown Police Department who are called by shop owners. Ajax Park is one of the few places in the area where teens are able to gather with little harassment.
Statement from Families
A member of our steering committee met with families in Calvert Heights and they prepared the following statement, which they asked us to share you with you.
Community members have expressed concern regarding the removal of the basketball court at Ajax. Many feel it would be another disservice to our teens that utilize the court considering, Chestertown is severely limited to fundamental activities. We the community urge you to reconsider. While many of us have pondered the possibility of the equipment being merged and beautified. One should consider the perfect spot being Wilmer Park its already has a beautiful scenery plenty of space and those walking the trail with children can allow the kids to play. This will allow all to benefit not just little children and parents but the teens will still be able to hoop. I know you will consider the concerns of all community members.
We also attach, for your consideration, a 2016 article from the Chestertown Spy. Just four years ago you and the town council considered the Ajax park “… a positive addition to Chestertown’s mission to cultivate thriving and well-maintained community play areas.” Four years later, Ajax park remains a shining example of the town’s mission to provide community play areas for all of the town’s young people.
The Social Action Committee for Racial Justice strongly urges the Mayor and Council to reconsider the planned siting of a new playground. The current plan reduces options for teens rather than increasing them. We recommend that the current equipment at Ajax park be upgraded and the new playground be located at Wilmer park. Wilmer park affords families of small children a place to run and play in an open grassy space. Playground equipment would be a welcome addition to Wilmer park and would expand, rather than reduce, options for families in Chestertown.
Paul LA Tue, III, Co-chair
Arlene F. Lee, Co-chair
Social Action Committee for Racial Justice
Gretchen F Stroh says
I have no idea where the Ajax Park is, but if it is working for the community, why mess with it?
Elizabeth Bonass says
I completely agree. I have said this many times before. It is the ideal place for families to go have a picnic with a playground for the kids. Right now its boring a piece of land mainly used for dogs to relieve themselves as I have witnessed EVERY time i go there The dogs have a place already in the dog park . Its about time time to cater for our young people in this town. Not stick them in a laneway out of sight.
Jane E. Hukill says
Though I live outside Chestertown, I would like to express my sincere support of retaining the basketball court at Ajax. Extremely sound reasons offered for solutions by the Social Action Committee for Racial Justice.
Carol Casey says
Couldn’t agree more. This decision is baffling.
George Shivers says
The playground proposal from Mr Tue and Ms. Lee on behalf of the Social Action Committee for Racial Justice is eminently reasonable in my view. I encourage the Mayor and Council to take it very seriously, in fact to improve and keep the Ajax basketball court for the areas teenagers and to put playground facilities for younger children in Wilmer Park.
Rebecca Taylor says
Hats off to Paul Tue and Arlene Lee for giving a voice to the needs of teens in the community via a reasonable and sensible letter. Heed their insight and expertise!
Marty Stetson says
Come on, there is more than just teens needs here. How about the young children who would like to play on some nice equipment which is made to insure they can do so safely. Teens can get to the gateway or the middle school in a safe manner. To get to Gateway Park all you have to do is walk down the rail to trail. ( there is a full court there not just a half court.) Middle school children make it to the middle school to attend classes so why could a teenagers not do it to play basketball. Lets be fair about it, young parents need a play area for there children. That is regardless of their race, it is stereotyping to say that the only thing blacks think of is to play basketball. I am sure there are many black parents as people of all races who would welcome the new playground.
Chris Cerino says
TO ALL CONCERNED CITIZENS: The reason that there is currently no playground in Wilmer Park is because THE NEIGHBORS HAVE COME OUT CONSISTENTLY TO OPPOSE IT. I have proposed to put a playground there for several years, only to be beaten back by the folks that live near the park. People here are talking a big game about this issue, but very few seem to show up at our meetings to voice their support when I/we need them the most. What the Mayor and Council need to make this happen is for the community to rally around this idea with an overwhelming show of support. The grant application that would pay for any playground is due on August 15th, which gives us exactly ONE MONTH to round up the troops. We can make this happen if everyone is on the same page. You can help by writing letters of support, explaining to the neighbors why this would be such a great addition to the community, and just getting involved more in general rather than typing comments on blog posts.
As for Ajax, that little “pocket park” was an absolute dump when I took office and was essentially unused. The “basketball court” had cracks in it, the hoop was rusty with a bent rim with no net, there was no playground equipment there at all, and no fencing. All of those improvements that made the park what it is right now happened under my direction and with the support of the Recreation Commission and Rebuild Kent County. Those improvements included resurfacing the court, fencing in the area for safety reasons, installing playground equipment, and adding benches and trash receptacles. The Town also decreased the size of the Town Yard to make room for the 40-space parking lot that abuts the park on the Cannon Street side, making it accessible for vehicular access. I just hope people understand that when they come at “The Mayor” saying that I am turning my back on Ajax.
Chris Cerino says
And I want to make this clear: By saying that “What the Mayor and Council need to make this happen …..” I was referring to 1) “saving” Ajax, and 2) putting a playground at Wilmer Park. We are will to do this, but can only pull it off with a major show of force from those who support the concept.
Beryl Smith says
It beats me if you do not want young men hanging about on the street why do you want to take away their place of healthy recreation? Young children, by and large, go to playgrounds with adults. Seems that Wilmer Park would be a perfect place for the proposed playground. Keep Ajax. I say this though I do not live within the confines of Chestertown–but I drive past Ajax often and love to see it being used.
Retha Arrabal says
Mayor Cerino, I support the proposed improvements of Ajax Park and a playground at Wilmer Park. Both would be wonderful additions to Chestertown. My grandson and I use Ajax park, as it is currently, and he is now six. When we first went there, the equipment was in poor shape. It has been improved, but I am looking forward to the new and improved facility I’m also happy to see the teenagers playing at Gateway Park.