To this observer, President Trump’s conduct with respect to Covid-19 has been deplorable.
Early on, Trump dismissed urgent warnings from U.S. intelligence agencies about the virus and soft-pedaled its severity. He also instructed states to handle their own problems.
Claiming to know more than experts, Trump has denigrated medical and public-health professionals, various Democratic Party leaders, responsible news organizations, state governors who disagree with him (including staunch Republican Gov. Larry Hogan), and the World Health Organization. He has often attacked, and continues to attack, reporters seeking facts.
Fixed in his modus operandi—see his 16,200 false or misleading claims documented by the Washington Post as of January 20—Trump continues to misinform and to lie to the public. He’s peddling a medication unproven against the virus (and possibly dangerous) and speculating about absurd conspiracy theories. One doesn’t need to watch his “briefings” daily to realize his snake-oil promises never pan out.
The Trump administration’s staggering incompetence has resulted in no plan to battle the pandemic, no testing program for all, no coordinated procurement and distribution of vital medical supplies and equipment, and no credible plan for national recovery.
A recent New York Times headline tucked this fiasco into a nutshell: “Trump Is the Wartime President We Have (Not the One We Need).”
Grenville B. Whitman
Rock Hall
Matt LaMotte says
As a coach, I’ve always told my players, “Fixing blame doesn’t fix the problem!” Somebody needs to pass that message along to our esteemed Knucklehead-in-Chief!
Park says
To Mr. Whitman’s letter, Lets not let the facts get in the way of his narrative. As I follow the daily briefing very closely, the expert Doctors are running the medical response, the military logistics people are running the acquisition and delivery of materials, and the results are far better than early predictions. We should all be thankful to this team approach.
Barbara Harbeson says
Thank goodness your not the President! I like the idea of a person who can take charge and get it done. Would have been a lot worse if Trump had not been there. Criticism is cheap.
Deirdre LaMotte says
HaHa good one. Trump knew about this in early January, the 3rd, and ignored it. He is not leading anything but a reality show for himself. That is why even Sen. Graham and the Wall Street Journal told him to step aside and let the experts speak.
But, of course, he then call the WSJ, a most conservative of newspapers, “fake news”.
He is a joke.
Jon Slocum says
Some of the Liar in Chief’s quotes on Covid-19:
“We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China.”
“The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
“I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away. They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we’re very close to a vaccine.”
“One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
“I don’t need to have the numbers double b/c of 1 ship that wasn’t our fault.”
“We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on Coronavirus.”
The man and is toady’s are perfectly incompetent. We need a real leader in the White House.
Patty Heaps says
As another reader noted, don’t let the facts get in the way of the narrative – or the hatred. I think the only accusation missing is “Trump has blood on his hands”.
I know it’s not PC to criticize China or WHO but if anyone would publish an honest timeline of how this virus took hold, those two would be front and center. Check the dates and info WHO was releasing, bowing to China by declaring there was no evidence that the virus could be spread through person to person contact even though Chinese doctors had said otherwise. Check the dates and messages sent out by certain “leaders” (Pelosi, DiBlaisio and Cuomo)downgrading the threat of the virus and encouraging their citizens to go about their lives and especially to go to Chinatown and celebrate the New Year. After all, to not celebrate was an act of bigotry and racism, similar to Trump’s proposed travel ban from China. And who had time to deal with it? Too busy with a failed impeachment?
Oh, and touting “that” medication that could be “dangerous”? Any medication carries an element of risk. This particular one was approved over 70 years ago and doctors around the globe are speaking about the success they are having. There will be time after this to have the drug indicated for this virus but I imagine if it were the only thing between life and death, you may consider it.
I’m thankful every day that it’s this President getting us through this and find the non-stop criticism is corrosive and divisive. “We’re all in this together” has become a tiresome platitude because it is obvious we are not. Whatever will you do in November when he is re-elected?
Deirdre LaMotte says
You are wrong. First, the Impeachment was for a corrupt man. He will always have to own this stain rightfully. Also, Trump is not getting our nation through this and he never cared. When will his supporters (??!!) realize he feels nothing about the suffering of Americans. He is is incapable of empathy. This means he only cares about his re-election. Period.
In that, he “cares” it is only within the prism of how the virus can affect him. When you start ranting about leaders, of course, Democrats, you are displaying a Fox opinion that is just false. You want leadership? Tune in to NY Governor Cuomo everyday
for an update.
You probably won’t as you will soon see how empty your Trump is. There is “going down with the ship” and then there is sheer stupidity.
Patty Heaps says
Funny thing about social media today – it’s forever. Ir’s not Fox opinion, it’s black and white on Twitter. Schumer denigrating the travel ban. Pelosi encouraging everyone to come to Chinatown. DiBlasio telling everyone to go on and “live their lives”, suggesting they take in a show. Gosh, almost as if they just had to go 180 on whatever the President said because ….Trump. See you in November!
Deirdre LaMotte says
The travel ban was ridiculous. It was just another way to rile up his peabrain admirers. You know, watch out for
anything Chinese., they’re like Mexicans or Muslims. That is why Schumer pushed back. The virus was already in our country and your man was doing nothing but calling it a hoax, a Democrat way to get back at him. It is all about him.
This country is sick of this clown and his fascist followers. Oh yeah, November here we come🥳
Patty Heaps says
And then, just like that, Trump had the media and the democrats supporting and defending Communist China. Finally, the MSM is on the failures of WHO and the role China played in this pandemic. And isn’t it odd, how after the fact, the media questioned why he didn’t do that “ridiculous” travel ban earlier? Of course Schumer pushed back; it’s all about the resistance. Resistance seems to be the only focus of the Democrats. It’s certainly not the American people as evidenced by Pelosi’s theatrics in getting a stimulus bill passed. But then, don’t let the facts get in the way of your narrative. Just because WHO has “world” in its name doesn’t mean it’s honest or accurate. Pull the plug.
Ron Jordan says
Just make sure you don’t vote him back in, that is the surest way to get rid of his constant stupidity and ignorance. He doesn’t want to govern, he wants to rule. Anyone, that is anyone that votes for him is not looking out for my best interests as a neighbor or as a American. He is a racist, xenophobic, immoral pig of a man. He is not Presidential by any stretch of the imagination. The politicians here on the eastern shore that support him, should also be sent back to whatever rock they crawled from under, we can start with Andy Harris and Jay Jacobs. Trump doesn’t rule this nation, he was voted in by the American people, we have seen his act, same as on the Apprentice, time for this show to be cancelled. A leader admits when they have made mistakes, this guy, nope, he is flawless, “perfect, calls, everything is perfect.” Time to go back to Florida and hang with DeSantis, little Rubio and Snyder, they want you, we don’t and definitely don’t need you!