Image by Mike Fritcher via Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/mikefritcherphotography/36350979170
Today the House of Representatives will vote to impeach President Donald Trump based on weeks of testimony and powerful evidence. It has been gratifying to watch the testimony of diplomats, such as Marie Yovanovitch, Bill Taylor and especially Fiona Hill, all of whom were highly professional and deeply patriotic.
What a contrast with the president and his Republican cronies in the House and the Senate. It pains me to see how the Republican Party continues to demean itself on behalf of a president who not only is not really a Republican but who has committed unethical if not illegal acts both before he became president with the help of the Russians but also in his business practices earlier on.
My father was a proud Republican. In fact, the Shivers family affiliation with that Party goes back to its origins. My ancestors opposed slavery and voted for Lincoln. They would be appalled at the level to which their party has descended today, defending a racist, misogynist, xenophobic man who condemns himself with his own words on an almost daily basis.
Sadly, our congressman, Andy Harris, is one of his most committed supporters. Republican leaders in the Senate have made it clear that they are far more committed to their party than they are to truth and justice, not to mention to the oath they will take before the Senate trial. It appears that they are going to let a criminal remain in the White House. I appeal to the Republicans in the Senate. Don’t follow your leaders like lemmings plunging into a sea of corruption and lies. Stand up for real justice and rid us of this man who, with your help, has been dismantling our democracy and highest values for the last three years.
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Gren Whitman says
We watch as Trump bullies any number of people, including heads of state and children. Watch him lie, and lie, and lie, to the tune of over 15,400 lies and misleading claims since he took office 1,055 sad days ago, according to the Washington Post. Watch him threaten the United States’ friends and enemies. Watch him snatch immigrant children from parents and deny them health care and basic comforts. Watch him champion a wall to nowhere that would waste billions. Watch him egg on racists and bigots. Watch him attack our free press, judges, public officials, and people who stand up to him by speaking the truth. Watch him attack the Constitution itself. But what’s so much worse? Trump being enabled by most members of the Republican party who refuse to condemn his words and actions, who ignore them, or who claim they never happened.
Virginia Davis says
SURELY the GOP can find one other human possibility to put forward as a candidate!!! Why on God’s green earth are they supporting this pathetic excuse of a human, killing their party and the futures of their elected officials, etc., etc.? How quickly they have forgotten how they maligned and joked about djt before he became ‘elected’. The majority of Americans have not forgotten and need to pour into the streets to proclaim their right to an honest, ethical and competent leader who understands our constitution and will defend it as their oath requires. Good article. George Shivers!
Matt Larrimore says
Never amazed at the left lean of the Spy, even after being told the other night, we are just journalists…that favor msdnc and cnn. Sadly there are comments below helping those of us who did/ do support our president. We have the idea to take to the streets to share exactly what you claim, we have an honest and ethical president, unfortunately for you good folks, last name is not Clinton, very corrupt. You see, as much as you the democrats believe us to be wrong, we are entertained by democratic accomplishments and many political promises from those in the race. Your front runner did get filmed bragging his own guid pro quo, impeach him immediately. Green deals costing trillions, bankrupt the country, a great idea. This is the beauty of a true two party system, one making us money..liberals blowing it all. I really anticipate the joy this time next year as you prepare for four more years. FISA, Durham, Barr, Clapper, Comey, Brennan, all trying to flop an election. Stole the primary from Bernie in 16…, so far, Dems are looking classy, ethical and biased amongst themselves.
Steve Meehan says
Dear Reader:
Thanks for reading and commenting. The Spy is non-partisan and certainly not left leaning, even if we post commentators and letter writers who may be. Free country. Come express your opinions.
Regards, Editor
Ron Jordan says
Matt, the Spy is non-partisan and not left leaning, it is fair in allowing folks to state their opinions, even one like yours, got to love America. Green deals costing millions you say, cost of breathing toxic air that can kill folks is more deadly. If our nation is “stupid enough” to vote this idiot back into office, unfortunately those that didn’t vote for him will have to live with it until we can be rid of him. As for you my dear Patriot, you too are deemed to have a opinion even wearing the tin foil hat each day. Alas my nation and yours allows all kinds, something you may want to think about, “America is a nation of all kinds of folks, different religions, ethnicities and sexual orientations.” Tell you what Matt, if any of those Americans I just mentioned bothers you, well you can always move to Russia or North Korea, oh, the language thing would probably bother you. Ah, don’t bother, let democracy take care of itself and you to can continue to vote, free from interference and turmoil, ain’t America great, Matt?
Deirdre LaMotte says
Ha! Patriotic Republicans are a thing of the past. They care nothing for our nation, only their petty little Party that has reduced itself
to racism, homophobia, misogyny, and fact based science. Why continue to mourn? The GOP is now nothing but the Trump Party:
every vile insult, sick tweet, bubbling vacuous statement and white-trashism is now owned by anyone who is still in the GOP.
And this particularly applies to those of means. Like Rand Paul, they are the worst.