Bittersweet: Sue Edson, president, Chester River Hospital Auxiliary is shown with Charles Johnson, a longstanding Auxiliary volunteer who before his retirement served 15 years as a security officer at the hospital. Edson presented Johnson with his second “500 hour” gold star pin marking his 1,000 hours over five years of service as a volunteer at UM Shore Medical Center at Chestertown. He and his wife soon will move to North Carolina so Edson surprised him during his next-to-last volunteer shift to thank him for his service prior to his departure.
As part of the University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS), University of Maryland Shore Regional Health is the principal provider of comprehensive health care services for more than 170,000 residents of Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s and Talbot counties on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. UM Shore Regional Health’s team of more than 2,200 employees, medical staff, board members and volunteers works with various community partners to fulfill the organization’s mission of Creating Healthier Communities Together.
Maryann Ruehrmund says
Thank you for your many years of service Charles! You will be missed.