Ward 2 Councilman Elect Tom Herz and Ward 4 Councilwoman Elect Meghan Efland celebrate their victories at the Retriever, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019
Tom Herz of Queen Street handily denied Ward 2 Councilwoman Linda Kuiper a third term in Tuesday’s town election. The final tally of 164 to 56 came within minutes after the polls closed. There were only nine absentee ballots.
“We had a nice clean race,” Herz said during a celebration with supporters at the Retriever. “We had a conversation about ideas. It just so happened that the future prevailed and the current state lost the day.”
Meghan Efland glided into the Ward 4 seat unopposed with 41 votes. She will replace Marty Stetson, who announced in August that he would not seek a fourth term.
“I’m really excited to be an elected official for Chestertown,” Efland said, moments before casting her ballot at the Chestertown Volunteer Fire Department on Maple Avenue.
Kuiper hosted a small get-together with friends at her home Tuesday night. She said she “gave her
best” during her two terms.

Ward 2 Candidate Tom Herz and his wife, Sharon Herz head to the polls at the Chestertown Volunteer Fire Department on Maple Avenue, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019
“I gave to Ward 2 and the people of Chestertown for eight years and now I have my life back,” she said.
There was a “steady trickle” of voters during the day, a poll worker said.
Ward 2 saw 219 of its 611 registered voters cast ballots — a near 36 percent turnout. Ward 4 had a 6 percent turnout of its 676 registered voters.
Total turnout for both wards came in at 20 percent of 1287 registered voters.
Peter Heck contributed to this story
John East says
I wish Tom the very best. I would also like to thank Linda for her dedication to the town over 2 terms. For many years, every time I turned up at the Farmer’s market, late and finally out of bed, she had been there for hours and then, as JR’s was closing, she would ride by in a police car. Indefatigable. The little details of governing, not “Is this a great idea?” but “Where is this in the budget?” or “How do we put this on a sustainable footing?” are those annoying but critical questions we outsource to our leaders. Boring, perhaps irritating, but necessary questions. Linda, thank you for being an embodiment of the voice of reason on the town council for these many years. Tom, like me, I have had the fortunate opportunity to live in Chestertown precisely because I can work elsewhere. You are a great fellow and Chestertown needs your help. Sometimes I feel it is a museum without actually being a museum.