On Tuesday, Michael McDowell arranged to meet with Maryland Transportation Secretary Paul Wiedefeld and State Highway Agency Administrator William Pines to deliver a petition urging the fast-tracking of action on the placement of a Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon to be placed at N. Queen and Maple Streets, and Kent Street and Washington Ave.
The officials were on a county-by-county inspection tour.
The petition was signed by eighty households on both sides of Queen Street and Maple Avenue.
“We’re facing a year before it is done, and we are petitioning for faster action,” McDowell says.
The intersections have been an ongoing concern due to their danger to children going to school and residents of the area crossing Maple Avenue (Rt. 213) and has been approved for a flashing beacon sign.
Secretary Wiedefeld and Administrator Pines advocated for the project last year and said they would contact McDowell when they had more information about speeding up the process.
McDowell, his wife Susan Flanigan, Robbi Behr and children, August and Jasper, delivered the petition.
To see a Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon (with buttons), go here.
Elizabeth Ochoa says
Hopefully the petition will help the clogged cogs of bureaucracy. Meanwhile my friend in a wheelchair can never get down the sidewalk on High street because a resident there parks their Buick across the sidewalk (just across from the library) and the police do nothing.