February 2nd marked the exact mid-point between the Winter Solstice (December 22nd) and the spring Vernal Equinox, which arrives this month on March 19th. At noon on the date, the Sun will appear to rest on the celestial equator, some 50 degrees above the southern horizon. From then until June 21st, the Sun at noon will appear a little higher in the sky each day as we advance through spring and into summer,On March 10th, daylight savings time returns at 2 am local time, when clocks “spring” forward to 3 am local daylight time. Yes, Spring is here, and a sure sign of it in our skies is the beautiful zodiac constellation, Leo the lion.Leo is seen midway up in the eastern sky all month with its “backward” question head leading the way. This will be quickly followed later in the month by the largest zodiac constellation, Virgo, low in the southeastern sky, and behind Leo, the oddly named warrior Bootes, featuring the very bright reddish-orange star Arcturus.Mercury, the innermost solar system planet, makes its best evening appearance of 2024 this month. Mercury always makes brief appearances for sky-watchers because, being so close to the Sun, it never reaches high altitudes above the horizon from our line of sight on Earth. However a good “window” to see it this month is opened.Start to look in the western sky for Mercury on March 11th, the day after daylight savings time starts. That night, a very thin crescent Moon will be just above and left of Mercury, which will be quite close to the horizon. By the 15th, Mercury will be much easier to spot and visible for an hour after the Sun sets. On March 24th Mercury will still be visible for about an hour after sunset, and brighter Jupiter will shine above it.The best times to view Jupiter this month are in the first two weeks. Jupiter appears much lower after that and will be dimmed by twilight.On March 1st Venus and Mars will be seen in the eastern morning sky before sun-up; dimmer Mars above and right of much brighter Venus. But they will both be low to the horizon and Mars being dimmer will be harder to see in brightening dawn. Use binoculars to help. Look for the crescent Moon near Venus on March 7th.With binoculars, looking at Jupiter in the western sky on March 24th, we might be able to spot Uranus just above it. It is worth a try.The first Full Moon of spring (after the equinox March 19th) is on March 25th. The very next Sunday afterwards is March 31st —- and Easter Sunday. The changing dates for spring and Full Moons right after each year, are the reason Easter is not on the same date every year. It is on the first Sunday, after the first Full Moon, after the Vernal Equinox.
March Sky-Watch And Daylight Savings Time by Dennis Herrmann
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