Bayside H.O.Y.A.S co-founder and President John Queen invites the community to celebrate Frederick Douglass Day of Acknowledgment from 12 pm to 5 pm on Saturday, February 10, at Washington College’s Decker Hall Theatre.
The event, in partnership with Washington College, will honor Douglass’ achievement as one of the Country’s foremost abolitionists, writers, and statesmen and will celebrate Black history on the Eastern Shore and nationwide.
The celebration will offer education programming featuring Nicole London and her co-directed documentary “Becoming Frederick Douglass” and noted Frederick Douglass reenactor Nathan Richardson, followed by a round table discussion with Adam Goodheart, Director, Starr Center for the Study of the American Experience at Washington College.
The event will also include recognition of community members and organizations who have contributed to empowering the African American community.
For more about Bayside H.O.Y.A.S. go here. For their Facebook page go here.
This video is approximately two minutes in length.
Alice Marie Barron says
WOW!! lots of Birthday’s…and… Feb. 12th is
Lincoln’s Birthday
Ann Williams says
Wonderful news !
So much to Celebrate and thank you, Bayside H.O.Y.A.S & Washington College for initiating
such a vital acknowledgement of Frederick Douglass’ regional and national achievements.
Nathan Richardson’s carefully curated oration of Mr Douglass brings the past and present
alive with vibrancy and historical insight.
Ann Williams says
Thank you, President Queen, for your wonderful support on this v special enterprise honoring Frederick Douglass and his historical significance for all people of conscience.