The public is invited to attend the next meeting of the Democratic Club of Kent County on Thursday, February 18 via Zoom, for the kickoff of our 2021 “Meet the Candidates” series. We’ll hear from Ashwani Jain, running for the Democratic nomination for Governor, and Matthew Talley, candidate for Congress in the First District.
Ashwani Jain, a resident of Montgomery County, is a candidate for Maryland Governor in the 2022 Primary. He has worked in the public, private and non-profit sectors; and served in the Obama-Biden White House and in two federal agencies. If elected, he would serve as the nation’s first millennial Governor and Maryland’s first Governor of color. Mr. Jain is running for two reasons: (1) The first is to change the narrative of who deserves a seat at the table by making Maryland’s state government more representative, transparent and accountable; (2) The second is to take a comprehensive approach to solving the issues faced by Marylanders by focusing on a “Relief, Recovery and Reform” agenda. For details about his experience, background, specific policy proposals, visit or email [email protected]
Matt Talley is an artist, activist and business owner, born and raised in Harford, Cecil & Baltimore Counties. He describes himself as a progressive and just a regular person, not a politician. He states on his website ( “Like you, I’m sick of Washington forgetting about us. I’m sick of the system working for corporations and billionaires while normal people like you and I are left out in the cold. We’re not looking for handouts or for things to be given to us. We’re simply looking for our hard work to be respected, our lives to have value to those that represent us, and to, for the first time in 10+ years, see an MD-1 that works for everyone.”
The meeting will begin at 6:45 pm with a brief business meeting. At 7:00 we’ll hear from Mr. Jain, and around 7:30 from Mr. Talley. Members will receive the Zoom link prior to the meeting – others please contact the club at [email protected] an invitation to attend.
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