For All Seasons continues to have availability for crisis appointments, in-person appointments, teletherapy, and telepsychiatry, as well as 24/7 hotlines during the COVID-19 crisis. Staff is available for both long-term and short-term appointments for anyone in need of support.
According to Beth Anne Langrell, CEO of For All Seasons Behavioral Health and Rape Crisis, “Since April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we particularly want victims of trauma and sexual violence to know – we believe you, and we are here for you.”
“While we are hearing the message ‘stay home and be safe’ every day during this pandemic, what happens when home is not safe? If you or someone you know is a victim of trauma or sexual violence, our 24-hour agency hotlines in English and Spanish offer crisis support and intervention. You can even text now to get help.”
For All Seasons Behavioral Health and Rape Crisis advocates provide free and confidential services – offering guidance, compassion, and information about a survivor’s options, including but not limited to food, emergency shelter, and legal counsel if the client chooses.
During this time of COVID-19, the agency continues to follow safety regulations, as outlined by the CDC, for in-person appointments including – illness screening measures, 20-second handwashing at the entry to all facilities, social distancing guidelines, and increased office sanitation. The offices are open for appointments only.
For All Seasons staff is also reaching out to the community with Mental Health Minutes – timeless tips to help all of us navigate the challenges being faced daily. These uplifting posts are being shared regularly on Facebook and through other social media outlets. For further information, visit For All Seasons Facebook page or or call 410-822-1018. For 24-hour confidential hotlines and crisis support, call the English Hotline is 410-820-5600; the Spanish Hotline is 410-829-6143; and the English or Spanish Text Line is 410-829-6143.
For All Seasons provides therapy, advocacy, psychiatry, and education to Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne, and Talbot counties. The agency accepts all private insurances, medical assistance, and supports English and Spanish speaking individuals regardless of one’s ability to pay. For All Seasons Rape Crisis Center offers a 24-HR crisis hotline service, certified sexual assault victim advocates, same-day and ongoing counseling services, and hospital, law enforcement and court accompaniment by request of the survivor. Contact 410.822.1018 or for further information. For the 24-HR confidential crisis hotlines call (English) 410.820.5600 for English Hotline; (Spanish) 410.829.6143. Text available in English or Spanish at 410.829.6143.
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