Tips to manage a change in routine:
#1. MOVE! Everyone loves a Netflix binge but, humans are meant to move. So… take a few extra trips up and down your staircase if you have one, stand up and walk laps around your home every hour, or add a set of squats to your daily pattern. If you are currently participating in an exercise regimen or are considering a new workout remember DO NO HARM! Muscle strengthening does create a delayed onset of soreness which should only last about 24-36 hours diminishing with time. You should not feel acute pain (sharp precise) during an exercise. Pain is our body’s alarm system warning possible injury.
#2. BREATHE! Breath is very powerful and often under-utilized. Do not hold your breath with exertion. Also consider taking time to improve your air flow with this easy exercise: 1. place your hands on your belly, take a deep breath and watch your hands move outward. 2. Place your hands on the sides of your ribs, breathe deeply and feel your lungs expand as your hands move laterally. See if you can inhale and hold the breath just a bit longer before exhaling. Notice the change in air flow and the calming effect.
#3. BALANCE! We all need balance in our lives. But, this recommendation is aimed directly at our center of gravity. You can improve your balance with specific activities which is a good idea for everyone. Try this: Stand near the kitchen sink or a sturdy chair to hold onto if needed. Attempt to stand on one foot. Make this more challenging by increasing time or adding motion. Can you brush your teeth standing on one foot? Can you stand on a pillow or uneven surface on one foot?
#4. BE FRIENDLY! Recruit a friend to commit to a daily exercise workout. Or even just one exercise: the dreaded wall sit, or squats, lunges, sit-stands, whatever you decide. Call each other, facetime or text and support each other with your daily challenge. Add more reps, make goals, and watch as you and your friend progress.
No doubt, these are tricky times. If you have any questions about an exercise routine you are already using or thinking of starting a new routine, I will be happy to consult. I can send exercises to your email or recommend some Apps. Call my office or shoot me an email:
You are still in control to be happy, stay healthy and feel better!!
Katy Weddell
Chesapeake Physical Therapy [email protected])
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