Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) supports the Trump Administration’s decision to discontinue a contract with the University of California, San Francisco to fund research involving human fetal tissue from elective abortions. This decision followed a comprehensive review that began in September 2018 of all Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) “research involving human fetal tissue from elective abortions to ensure consistency with statutes and regulations governing such research, and to ensure the adequacy of procedures and oversight of this research in light of the serious regulatory, moral, and ethical considerations involved.”
As a result of this review and audit, the Administration also decided to end all research requiring new fetal tissue at all National Institute of Health (NIH) labs and to increase ethical safeguards for extramural research using fetal tissue.
Rep. Harris supports the Administration’s decision to end these contracts, and made the following statement:
“I fully support the decision to end federal contracts, paid with taxpayer dollars, that inappropriately use aborted human fetal tissue for testing protocols and research. It is an abuse of taxpayer monies when we commercialize the use of fetal tissue from abortions.”
For media inquiries, please contact Congressman Harris’ Washington, DC office at 202-225-5311, or contact Julia Nista at [email protected].
Clark Bjorke says
Yes, and ending appropriate use, too.
Bob Ozinga says
Looks to me, Spy Desk, as if you published a verbatim “news” release from Rep. Harris’s office. Bad form, to say the least!
Joseph T Coyle, MD says
I disagree with the Spy using “inappropriate” in its headline, uncritically adopting Harris’ characterization. The use of human fetal tissue obtained from abortuses is highly regulated and has been vetted by extensive legal and ethical analyses prior to its approval a decade ago. This research has been important in advancing our understanding medical disorders as diverse as HIV and Parkinson’s disease.
Gretchen F Stroh says
Andy Harris makes me cry. Shouldn’t he represent the people….rather than forcing his religious beliefs on us?
Ford Schumann says
I wish we were given some appropriate and inappropriate examples so we could make up our own mind.
joseph Diamond says
I can’t find anything from the Trump Administration explaining their review. Why did they do it? What were they examining? Who did it?……..From that I cannot see any explanation for following the Trump Administration position.
SO….instead of saying Dr, Harris supports a Trump policy…… about a little medical summary of why an elected official would agree with the Trump Administration on this issue?
Inappropriate…..In what way ?
joe diamond