President Trump needs to start following the rule: “Never interrupt your enemies when they are making a mistake.” So many lost opportunities to be the winner by just being silent.
That is one of the reasons I have not been writing about the antics of Democrats trying to elbow their way into the crowd at the far left of their party. It is why this column will be short, depending on how many amusing examples I encounter. I sympathize with the President, because I cannot resist listing some of the larger holes into which I hope the Democrats will continue digging themselves.
Beto forgetting to tell Nancy Pelosi’s 16-year-old voters, who I think he believes have never had a civics lesson with content beyond “white privilege,” that the electoral college is mandated in the Constitution. They might just think he was wasting their time if they ever realize that the chances of an amendment abolishing the electoral college being approved by the same states that benefit from it are, well, nil.
Somehow the publicity that Beto gets for this and other ridiculous promises is biting him where it hurts. The more publicity Beto gets, the more we are also learning about his children’s books advocating mass murder and his history of drunk driving and hacking. Keep it up.
Joe Biden announcing that he is the most progressive candidate, when everyone else knows that the only appeal he ever had was as a bumbling, sometimes amusing, good old Irish boy.
AOC for every word that has come out of her mouth, not to mention chicanery about her actual residence and campaign finance. And a shout-out for the media who are promoting her as the leader of the new Democratic party and making sure everyone gets the idea that voting Democrat is voting AOC.
Her media admirers seem unconcerned that their constant coverage is allowing just about everyone to observe how young, pretty and utterly uninformed about any matter of substance she is.
The others are much less amusing. Ms. Omar’s outspoken and gratuitous anti-Semitism is even putting off her own Somali constituency in Minnesota, with the high point being her “all about the Benjamins” tweet concerning AIPAC and donations. Ms. Tlaib accused Senate supporters of Israel of having “dual loyalties.” The two are working hard to reveal the underlying anti-Semitism of the entire “Boycott, Divest, Sanctions” movement.
It is almost as if some Islamophobes got together to invent the first two Muslim women to be elected to Congress, so as to imprint a caricature on the minds of voters the next time a Moslem runs for office.
The governor of Virginia, whose endorsement of the idea that parents and doctors can decide whether to kill a living baby after its birth turned into the best boost the pro-Life cause has had since the Planned Parenthood videos.
But he is second to Governor Cuomo in the sheer outrageousness of his glee at making it legal to kill babies born alive, and in provoking some Catholic bishops to point out that he has excommunicated himself under canon law.
We must not forget packing the Supreme Court. Beto and his imitators want to appoint 6 more Justices when one of them is elected President. Short of a ruling by that Court that the Constitution confers a previously unrecognized right on the sitting Democrat to occupy the White House forever, the next Republican will realize that appointing 12 new justices will restore the textualist majority. After a few years there will be more Supreme Court justices than basketball playoff games and we will have “Washington Madness” all year.
The Democrat party is living in Dreamland. If they spend the next two years trying to prove that Mueller missed something in his investigation, promoting the ridiculous Green New Deal and promising the wishful Medicare for All, voters are going to start recognizing that all they are hearing is a beep-beep-beep from outer space.
I know you don’t read my column, so keep it up Democrats. I would hate to interrupt your self-destruction.
David Montgomery is retired from a career of teaching, government service and consulting, during which he became internationally recognized as an expert on energy, environmental and climate policy. He has a PhD in economics from Harvard University and also studied economics at Cambridge University and theology at the Catholic University of America, David and his wife Esther live in St Michaels, and he now spends his time in front of the computer writing about economic, political and religious topics and the rest of the day outdoors engaged in politically incorrect activities.
Robert Garson says
Mr. Montgomery’s piece is not worth a response. Whoops! I responded!
L Miller says
Why does this guy get a regular column? Because he has a dusty degree from an Ivy? Not a good enough reason. Please re-think your commitment to this repetitive point of view.
Valerie Overton says
Month after month, i don’t know why i continue to be surprised that this “columnist” and his dreck gets airtime (or why i give it the time to read and respond to). Is anyone awake at the Spy? Hello??
Steve Narowanskie says
I check Letters to Editor before potentially reading one of MrMontgomery’s time consuming biased articles.
Based on this practice I’ll skip today’s column and go reorganize my sock drawer instead of wasting my time.
Michael McDowell says
David Montgomery is SO predictable. Look, the majority of newly elected Democratic House members last November are…shock….horror!…MODERATES! Yes, AOC et al are the left of the party but a….small minority. Fact. Also, Nancy Pelosi has pretty good control of her caucus, and the political smarts to outsmart Trump and the pathetic “leadership” (more like followership) of Kevin McCarthy, not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Nancy P has called it right multiple times on Trump’s failed government shutdown and much more. As for the Republicans, Montgomery is trying to suggest the “left wing” democratic socialists will run amok, like the Andy Harris crowd of extremists of the laughably dubbed “Freedom” Caucus, many of whom, like the pathetic Harris, love neo-fascists, as John McCain rightly called them, and white nationalists. The F C and the House “Study” (hah!) Committee of nutty hard rightists made Speaker Ryan’s life an absolute misery. Ryan couldn’t control their foolish actions and while they will try and do the same for poor McCarthy….they are in a minority. And Harris is in a minority of a minority alongside his mate Steve King et al. McCarthy is trying to herd cats…..
Nancy Pelosi has the whip hand of her members almost all the time. This must drive Montgomery and his hero Harris daft. Good. There now, I have dutifully wasted five minutes of my time responding to another farrago of nonsense from Mr. Montgomery. Bye, Felicia!
Deirdre LaMotte says
Michael, please pity this poor Falstaffian man. When he supported those who smiled like the Cheshire Cat at the prospect of taking
health care away from 30 million people and is all in supporting the dementia boss in the WH, he became inconsequential. Truly.