The All Seasons Garden Club (ASGC) will hold its biennial flower show on Tuesday, May 23, 2017, from noon until 3:00 PM in Wesley Hall of the Heron Point Retirement Community, 501 East Campus Avenue, Chestertown. Attendance is free and open to the public.
The theme for the 2017 show is America the Beautiful. Floral arrangements in five Design Classes will be presented. Each entry will satisfy rules of a specific design category and reflect one of the following lines chosen from the popular and patriotic anthem: “For Spacious Skies”; “For Purple Mountain Majesties”; “Above the Fruited Plain”; “From Sea to Shining Sea”; and “For Patriot Dream”.
In addition to the five Design Classes, there will be entries in as many as eighteen Horticultural Classes, which include dish gardens; window boxes; terraria; as well as individuals specimens of bulbs, evergreens, Columbine, Hosta, Lily, Peony, Rose, Iris, Baptisia, and Sedum.
The All Seasons Garden Club was organized in 1985 and draws most of its members from Kent and Queen Anne’s counties. The ASGC is pleased to have its 2017 show open to participation by members of garden clubs in the two county area.
Flyers describing the Design Classes for the show as well as other aspects of the judging are available by emailing Frank Creegan at [email protected].
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