Sam Caldwell has something to say about environmental degradation due to fossil fuel emissions, a problem that a majority of scientists believe will have dire consequences.
As scientific data becomes an interpretive battlefield for some, others like Caldwell are taking a more direct approach to sounding the alarm—even if it means riding a bicycle 144 miles from Philadelphia to Capital Hill to deliver a message to each of the 300 Republican member of the new Congress —the latest Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Changes (IPCC) Report (all 4,800pages).
Caldwell stopped in Chestertown on his way to D.C. last Sunday and was met by a group of supporters. Linda Dutton was there to offer encouragement and grab a photo. Dutton, a member of the Unitarian Universalists Association, a supporter of environmental and social justices causes, wanted Caldwell to know that his cause resonated with the interfaith group on the Eastern Shore.
Caldwell also publishes a daily blog on his website,, describing daily events of his trip. He also added a more personal note about his motivations:
“I have 7 children and 9 grandchildren. There is no way I’m going to tell them 10 years from now when it is too late that I did nothing. I’m doing this ride for them and for future generations who will be affected by what we do (or fail to do) in response to this global emergency. And, I don’t intend to stop with this action. I’m in this for the long haul,” he wrote.
The bicyclist and environmental activist plans on arriving in D.C. by Tuesday, depending on weather conditions.
For his description of his visit to Chestertown, see Caldwell’s blog here.
For more informationa about the groups mentioned, go here:
Interfaith Partners of the Chesapeake
Rudolph Jenkins says
The Earth’ most recent ice age was approximately 10,000 years ago and has been slowly warming over thousands of years. A blip in the grand scheme of time. What temperature would Mr. Caldwell like the Earth to be? When the Earth went through previous cycles of cooling and warming who does he assign the blame for those climate patterns? Given that the largest contributor to Earth’s weather is the sun, what would Mr. Calwell propose the new congress do limit sun spot activity? Or increse sun spot activity if need be? Since the vast majority of CO2 is produced by warming of the Earth’s oceans (due to increased warming from the sun), what mechanism would he propose that would actually impact CO2 production? Do all geochemists believe hydrocarbons are a “fossil fuel”? (You can start by looking up Thomas Gold). Have there been any other theories that were believed by the majority of scientists that have been demonstrably proven false decades afterward?(you can start with Eugenics). Does a true scientist try to prove or disprove his theory? Have you ever heard of a double study, and is this applied to climate science? What is the importance of a double blind study ? And does correlation mean the same thing as causation? Can CO2 levels correlate to rising temperatures, but not be the cause at the same time ? Why is it important to know the difference? You’ll have to excuse those of us who have legitimate problems with the IPCC report for not jumping on the band wagon. The science is not “settled”, but has been politicized. Unfortunately, a basic understanding of scientific theory is not taught in schools and it has become easier to propagandize the public. The Earth has gone through multiple ice ages and then subsequent periods of re-warming. None of the climate theories incorporate solar wind activity or fluctuations in the Earth’s magenetosphere into their contributing factors. Climate scientists with no background in astrophysics have postulated that the Earth could be like Venous with “run away global warming”, but fail to incorporate in their reckless declarations that the Earth has a magnetic field 10 5th stronger than Venous and Venous is wrecked by Solar winds that the Earth is protected from. It is appropriate that a faith based organization is supportive of the “climate change” movement because Climate Change is itself a faith based movement, and, by placing itself above serious questions on its validity, has become anti-science.