Dave Hackett, Tom Deans, and Douglass Cater for passing along the importance of information, empathy, communication and citizenship.
The Chestertown Spy is the result of an intensive six month research and strategic planning process. The publisher wishes to acknowledge those whose knowledge, support, encouragement and humor were invaluable in times past and present in the creation of this publication.
Gilbert Watson, Sr. 1919 – 1981 (founder & publisher of the Chester River Press)
Ladd Bauer, John Bela, Kimball Byron, Hannah Byron, Jeff Chaffin, Bill Chaze, Chuck Cook, Steve Costa, Meredith Davies Hadaway, Colton & Marion Daughaday, Bob Day, Kathy Day, Mark Devins, Sandy Devins, Jim Dissette, Tess Elliott, Clint Evans, Dennis Forney, Marty Fujita, Ben Gilligan, Kandance Gilligan, Adam Goodheart, John Gouldthorpe, Bonnie Guttman, Joel Hack, Libby Cater Halaby, Anne Hector, Bill Hollingsworth, Trams Hollingsworth, Kathleen Jones, Elise Kolaja, Kurt Kolaja, Bob Kramer, David LaFontaine, Dick Lance, Diane Landskroener, Jim Landskroener, Marcia Landskroener, John Lang, Kitsy Lee, Sherry Magill, Sam Martin, Carla Massoni, Kirk Mastin, Bryan Matthews, Chris Metzloff, Nancy Metzloff, Tom Metzloff, Marcia Mim, Dave Mitchell, John Moag, Kate Moncrief,, Peter Newlin, David Pace, Bob and Sarah Polk, Ed & Eleanor Popper, Lila Purinton, Leslie Raimond, Marilee Schumann, Lynn Smith, Joan Smith, Larry Sprague, Sylvia Timbers, Jim Urda, Kathy Wagner, Janine Warner, Douglas Wanken, Gil Watson Jr., Irving R. Wechsler, Marion Wechsler, Monica Weiss, West Seattle Blog, Latham Wheelan, Virginia Wheelan, Laura Johnstone Wilson, and the citizens of Point Reyes Station & Inverness, California.