On a beautiful fall Wednesday morning, the Chestertown Lions Club presented a check for $1,200 to the Chestertown Garden Club to support the” Good Seeds” garden project.
The check was presented on October 9 adjacent to the newly installed decorative compass rose which is implanted in the walkway leading to the Henry Highland Garnet Elementary School’s main entrance.
The check was presented by Rick Coffman, Lions Club President to Barb Macbeth, Garden Club President. The donation will cover the cost for the seating bench, which is seen in the photo, for use by students during their out-of-doors environmental class work.
Connie Schroth, Co-Chair of the Good Seeds Project commented, “On behalf of the Chestertown Garden Club and the Good Seeds Project Committee, I want to extend our profound gratitude to the Lions Club for your contribution toward our success in making Garnett Elementary School’s entry a welcoming educational and recreational place for the community and children.”
“From the beginning, the Good Seeds Project had been incredibly fortunate to have so many who have contributed to its creation – designers, local businesses, horticulturists, Chestertown officials, school personnel, parents, individual donors, and volunteer weeders – and the Garden Club is thankful and proud to have an ongoing part in its existence,“ she continued.
“The Lions Club support enables the Good Seeds Garden to enhance our community, attract new families, and foster pride in our schools and neighborhoods. THANK YOU.”
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