The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Easton is holding an Installation Ceremony and Celebration for the Reverend Sue Browning on Sunday June 2 at 10:00am at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Easton.This ceremony highlights and reaffirms the commitment between Reverend Sue and the fellowship. Among those participating in the service will be Rabbi Peter Hyman, Rabbi Naomi Hyman and Reverent Nancy Sajda and the event is open to the public.
The Reverend Sue Browning has been serving the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at Easton (UUFEaston) since 2013but has now become the called minister of the congregation. In addition to UUFE, she is also serving the Unitarian Universalist of the Chester River in Chestertown, each as a half-time minister.“We are excited to move to a next step in our journey with Rev. Sue” said Jack Harrald, UUFEaston’s Board President “and look forward to sustaining and strengthening our faith community”.
UUFEaston is a diverse and inclusive fellowship of curious and compassionate thinkers. Bringing open minds and many religious ideas and backgrounds together, it is a community in search of spiritual meaning with an emphasis on the inherent worth of every person and the interdependent web of all existence.Unitarians, not called that in the U.S. until the 1800’s, merged with the Universalists in 1961.
Unitarian Universalism celebrates the diversity of beliefs while sharing a unique journey in nurturing the spirit and puts faith into action with its many social service activities in the community.
The public is invited to The Installation Service at 10am and to the following celebratory Picnic at the fellowship at 7401 Ocean Gateway (across from the Easton High School Football field). There is parking available and childcare will be provided. If interested, please RSVP to [email protected] in order to be prepared with enough food.
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