The Eastern Shore Wind Ensemble begins its 2018-2019 season with a program entitled “Mythical Creatures.” Music Director Charles Thai will conduct this free, hour-long concert, beginning at 4 p.m. on Sunday, October 28, at Emmanuel Episcopal Church at Cross and High streets, Chestertown. The church is handicapped-accessible, via the ramp and automatic doors on the courthouse-green side of the building.
“Flight of the Phoenix” by Carl Strommen, “Cry of the Last Unicorn” and “The Winged Stallion,” both by Rossano Galante, are musical pictures of majestic and beautiful mythical creatures. “Monster of Myth” by Travis J. Weller, “Vampires in the Attic,” “Hour of the Wolf” both by Joseph Eidson and “Awaken the Giant” by Joel Spineti capture the fearful aspects of darker creatures. “The Dark Waters” by Matt Conaway is a journey down the River Styx, the eerie mythological river of the underworld. “Whispering Pines” by Mike Forbes adds an elegantly winsome note to the concert.
Based in Chestertown, the Eastern Shore Wind Ensemble is an all-ages community concert band. It was formed in 2001 to offer area wind and percussion musicians the opportunity to continue or return to the pleasures of playing quality music in a large ensemble. New members are always welcome, without audition or fee.
Rehearsals start promptly at 7:00 p.m. and run until 8:30 p.m. on Monday evenings in the Washington College band room in Gibson Center for the Arts. For further information, call 410-778-2829, send a message to [email protected], or go to The ensemble is partially supported by a grant from the Kent County Arts Council.
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