In many ways, Emily’s Produce, located just outside of Cambridge, could be a poster child for American entrepreneurship. Sixteen years ago, a young couple, one a Maryland State Trooper, the other a seventh generation farmer, start a small farm stand to help pay the bills after the birth of their daughter, Emily, but also to build a business that one day could be turned over to its namesake.
That was the game plan for Emily’s parents, Kelly and Paul Jackson, and year after year, they made small but important improvements to build the business. Over time, they added more variety of produce, created a community supported agriculture (CSA) buyer’s club, added their own grass-fed beef, and more recently a commercial kitchen for farm to table dinners and breakfasts as well as baked goods, jams, frozen food, and other Emily’s products in the newly expanded store.
A few weeks ago, the Spy sat down with Kelly Jackson, to talk in depth about this unique family business model and what the future holds for Emily and her family.
This video is approximately six minutes in length
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