This is part 2 of UM Shore Regional Health’s CEO and President, Ken Kozel, presenting an overview of the future of health care on the Eastern Shore to Chestertown town council on Monday. Kozel describes how changes in the current structure of UMSRC hospitals and health delivery systems might be specifically affect Chestertown.
Shore Regional Health CEO Talks Future of Health Care on Eastern Shore (Part Two)
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I couldn’t hear this on my laptop. Is there any place where I can read his comments?
Stephan Sonn says
The conversation should start with transportation. 90,000 people could be served in emergency event. by a grid of 11 ambulance ports in Kent, Caroline and and Queen Ann’s Counties served. Which is to say that the nature of ambulance employment has to change or forget about the golden hour for lifesaving. I susptct that the group that sold the hospital could set up a small trust ,