Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in cooperation with the National Wild Turkey Federation will once again conduct a gobbler-only spring youth turkey hunt on the refuge.
The Youth Turkey Hunt will include two Saturdays during the state spring turkey season: April 27th and May 4th, 2013. A refuge hunt permit is required. A limited number of permits will be issued to ensure a high-quality and safe hunting experience. Three youth hunters between the ages of 10 and 16 will be randomly selected for each hunt day. Only youths ages 10 through 15 who were not chosen for a past Youth Turkey Hunt at Eastern Neck NWR will be eligible.
Applications for permits may be obtained:
- online at https://www.fws.gov/northeast/easternneck/hunting.html
- by writing to Eastern Neck NWR, 1730 Eastern Neck Road, Rock Hall, MD 21661
- or by contacting Eastern Neck NWR at 410-639-7056.
There is no application fee. There are three ways to submit the completed application. 1) Completed applications sent via mail must be postmarked no later than Tuesday, March 26th, 2013. 2) Completed applications must be dropped off at the Eastern Neck NWR Refuge Office/Visitor Contact station by 4:00 pm on Tuesday, March 26th, 2013. Completed applications must be emailed [email protected] by 4:00 pm on Tuesday, March 26th, 2013.
The drawing will be held on Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013. All successful applicants will be notified by telephone following the drawing.
All youth hunters who have successfully drawn a 2013 turkey tag may access refuge lands for hunt scouting on Sunday, April 21st and Sunday, April 28th from 7:30am until 1/2 hour after sunset. All youth hunters who have successfully drawn a 2013 turkey tag must attend a safety meeting the day before their scheduled hunt. This mandatory safety meeting will be held at the refuge at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, April 26th and Friday, May 3rd at the Refuge Office/Visitor Contact Station. Youth hunters must present their valid Maryland hunting license at that time. Refuge hunt permits will be issued at the briefing.
Members of the local chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation will be guiding each of the youths selected for the hunt. The youths may be accompanied by a non-gun carrying parent or guardian. The bag limit is one bearded turkey per youth. All Maryland rules and regulations related to the State’s spring turkey season are applicable and will be enforced during the special hunt on Eastern Neck NWR. Detailed refuge-specific hunt regulations will be provided to the successful applicants.
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