A twenty five foot sailboat, a beautiful light racing boat, had a bad day on Sunday. The boat tried to leave Rock Hall Harbor at 9:00 p.m. Sunday night into 15-20 knot winds and high seas. Just outside jetty a wave caught and spun them into the rocks. They climbed out and walked down the rocks to a field outside of town.
The boat lay there all day. When it was lifted out Monday night, the owner and crew rescued their scrabble game and a bag of raisenetts through one of several gaping holes in the bottom of the boat.
Joe Diamond says
“Look, Mort, this thing is a sail boat,
It will go any time the wind blows. Come on, I’ll show ya. Climb aboard and we will play scrabble while we sail around Chesapeake Bay all night. Have a Raisennet?”
There has to be a better story with this one.
Joe Diamond says
Hey you………..yeah, I’m talkin to you!…………..yes you, ya sailboat you!
Dis lady says yer bottom is gaping at her! Yous wanna gape at somebody you gape at ME!
Now get outa here and stop gaping………….close dem gaping holes NOW!
(Slow day)