The Chestertown Lions Club held their annual Chicken BBQ on Saturday, October 5, 2019, at the Trinity Lutheran Church across the street from Washington College. This is an event that Kent County residents look forward to and enjoy every year. It was a successful event again this year as 700 chicken halves were sold by 2:30 pm.
A large part of this success goes to the Kappa Alpha Order at Washington College as a number of KA members began arriving at the church around 6:30 am to help fire up the charcoal pits. During the day, 20 KA members helped with all aspects of the BBQ and then stayed until closing to help clean up.
Project proceeds provide funding to local charities and community services like: the Food Pantry, eyeglasses for those in need, free transportation to eye doctor appointments for county residents, scholarships for high school seniors, funding for the Leader Dog program, vision screening tests for elementary school students, Kent County Christmas Basket program, Chestertown Halloween Parade, Home Ports, Kent County Cub Scouts, and county youth sports teams. Without the continued involvement of the KAs for our Chicken BBQ, it would be hard to
complete all the work necessary for its success.