Selkie’s two events~ Free and, of course, Selkie and Capt Kelly will provide yummy complimentary Valentines ‘bubbles ‘n nibbles’ both afternoons in Undine’s Cottage!
(1) Saturday, February 8th
A Selkie Books Month of Love “Valentines Treat” on Saturday, February 8th, from 1:30 ~ 4:00 p.m.! Open House & Reception for fabulous Local Author and Publisher NANCY TAYLOR ROBSON! Nancy ~ who grew up helping her father build boats, who became one of the first women to earn her tugboat captain’s license, who is a great sailor, a U of Md Master Gardener, and loving wife and mother ~ has lived an amazing life of adventure, challenge, and fun!!
The Author will be discussing her Award-winning “A LOVE LIKE NO OTHER” ~ the perfect Valentine’s gift for your Special One (along with chocolates and champagne?) in its beautiful telling of the legendary, strong, and mutually supportive marriage between our second President John Adams and his wonderful wife, Abigail, “Passion, heartbreak, scandal, and triumph. Abigail and John Adams endured it all…”
Gentle Readers who come for this engaging afternoon may purchase “ALLNO” and any of the Author’s other terrific reads, including Course of the Waterman, and Woman In The Wheelhouse, at a special Valentine’s discount Selkie is covering!
Plus, all Gentle Readers attending will be entered in a Free Drawing to be held at the end of the Event for a$50 Gift Certificate for a gorgeous Valentine’s Bouquet by our great Rock Hall Florist SARA’S GARDEN!!
(2) Saturday, February 15th
A Serenade of beautiful, lilting, romantic Flute Music by Local Musician of Porch Fest fame and marvelous Origami Artist ANTOINETTE SMITH on Saturday, February 15th, beginning at 1:00 p.m!
A sweet “Valentine’s Door Prize” Selkie Gift Basket ~ including swoon-worthy Reads and works by our great Local Artists, beginning with the winner’s choice of Antoinette’s darling origami earrings, and including goodies by Martha Bliss, Joyce Teat Dalto, and Elisa & Ashley Van Horn ~ will be awarded at the end of the Event!
Also, delight in musing and choosing “A Blind Date With A Book!” from among a great selection of New and Used Books ‘incognito’~ offered at a special heart-warming price! Selkie’s cover notes will tell you the genre and a description – or the first sentence and a review – to help you pick out your special surprise read!
Great Book Specials throughout the month ~ look for our display on the Welcome Front Counter to see selections honoring our February Icons of American Excellence: Elizabeth BLACKWELL, Abraham LINCOLN, Edna St Vincent MILLAY, and Harriet TUBMAN. Also check out Selkie’s new “5 for $25” mostly HC Fiction Hodge-podge Table, and “$5 Fill-a-Bag” of Romance Paperbacks!
Beautiful Works by Local Artists on Sale: Continuing thru February is our special discount on the wonderful “The Wolves” Collection of watercolor prints by Anne Leone; and the charming acrylics by Wendy Parsons Abbott, including her “Winter Wolf.”
Take a peek, too, at just-in “gossamer wearable art” hand-knit scarves by Bonnie Ford that will beautify your wardrobe’s transition to spring; and the gorgeous new “Angels” acrylics and luscious hand-made “Country Essence” soaps by Sue Doyle-Krupla – at Sue’s amazing, “how does she do it so affordably?” low prices!
Our February Open hours are Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays ~ Noon to 5:00, By Appointment, and ad hoc-ly whenever you see our Open flags waving you in!
6202 Rock Hall Road
Rock Hall, MD 21661
(480) 430-4692
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