For over sixty years, Judy Collins has captivated the world with hits such as Send in the Clowns and Both Sides Now. Today, at 83, the Grammy award-winning singer, author, social activist, and founder and CEO of Wildflower Records is not slowing down. In 2019 at the age of 80, she recorded Winter Stories, her first No. 1 album on an American Billboard Chart. Last year, she released her first all original material album, called Spellbound. She continues to tour, inspiring audiences with her soaring vocals and provocative songwriting.
The Spy spoke with Collins about her upcoming show at the Avalon, her affair with singer Stephen Stills, her long career, and why music can still soothe the soul.
This video is approximately seven minutes in length.
Judy Collins will be performing at the Avalon on Friday September 9. Tickets are available here.
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