The Washington College Academy of Lifelong Learning (WC-ALL) will open its Fall class registration on Monday, July 25. There are two 6-week sessions available – Session 1 runs from August 28 to October 7 and Session 2 from October 16 to December 2. While most classes are held in-person using campus facilities, there a number of classes offered via Zoom.
Classes offered in the fall include The Supreme Court: Top Hits of the Term, The Lost Cause Myth and Robert E. Lee, Aging and the Law, How to Develop a Business Plan, Art from 1980 to 2022 and Sunday at the Movies, among others. A full course listing is available here. Registration is available at
WC-ALL is also hosting a free Showcase on Thursday, July 28 from 4-5 p.m. in Litrenta Lecture Hall, in the Toll Science Center on the Washington College campus. This event provides the opportunity for anyone interested in signing up for the fall classes to hear directly from the instructors about the course materials and what will be covered.
“We are incredibly excited about the exciting and diverse line-up of courses being offered this fall and invite anyone interested in broadening their horizons to register and join us,” said Sandy Brown, WC-ALL Administrator. “Our programming is open to anyone of any age or background who is interested in learning, and provides a fantastic opportunity for intellectual stimulation and enrichment without having to take a for-credit course.”
All classes are free to members and memberships are available on a semester or annual basis, for individuals or couples. In addition to offering four sessions a year, WC-ALL also hosts a Learn-at-Lunch series, hosting various guest speakers throughout the year. Many of the in-person classes are held on the Washington College campus, in classrooms in Daly Hall, Goldstein Hall and William Smith Hall. Most are scheduled in the afternoons.
“Having classes of this caliber so readily accessible to the community is wonderful all on its own,” said Brown. “But for the Academy to be a part of Washington College, well that’s a real bonus!”
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Washington College Academy of Lifelong Learning, which currently has about 300 members. All courses are planned, run and led by WC-ALL volunteers, who offer a wide range of expertise and professional experience. Membership in WC-ALL is open to people of all ages and backgrounds.
About the Washington College Academy of Lifelong Learning (WC-ALL)
Founded in 1992, the Washington College Academy of Lifelong Learning was created by a small group of Kent County residents who worked for more than a year studying other similar college-affiliated institutions. WC-ALL was patterned after the Institute for Learning in Retirement (ILR) as established by Elderhostel (now known as Road Scholar) and is governed by its members, taught by its peers, and operates within the academic institutional guidelines provided by its sponsor, Washington College. Lifelong learning is a critical component of a liberal arts education and the college is proud to support this department’s programming and focus on community engagement.
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