It’s been a few days but President Biden’s marathon news conference still is on my mind. It bothers me because he and his staff seemingly do not understand how debilitating it is for a 79- year-old man to stand up in floodlit room in front of a group of self-important media representatives firing volleys of questions –many of the “gotcha” variety–for nearly two hours.
What were they thinking?
Were they–or was he–trying to show that the president could outmatch President Putin (69) or President Xi (68) for a public speaking endurance prize?
Or that his mental reflexes are just as sharp today as they were when he entered the Senate 49 years ago?
As that interminable press conference dragged on, anyone watching could see him begin to slip, to tire, to grasp for words and ideas as it neared its end.
For example, his harmful off-hand suggestion that the United States might not react strongly to a “minor incursion” into Ukraine by Russian troops came toward the conclusion of that endless afternoon, as did his extraordinary comments concerning the potential illegitimacy of the elections later this year.
Whatever the outcome, it was an embarrassment to the president and the country.
As many in the media reported the following morning, Mr. Biden had to “clean up” his remarks from the previous afternoon.
Most of the president’s closest advisors on matters of communications and public affairs are so much younger than he is. His chief of staff, Ron Klain at 60, is one of the oldest. Klain’s deputy, Jean O’Malley Dillon, is 45. His press secretary, Jen Psaki, is 43 and the White House director of communications, Kate Bedingfield, is 40. Yes, they are bright, capable and dedicated to the man they serve. But, at their ages, they cannot appreciate what it takes to function under extreme pressure when one is almost 80. They need to understand that despite good reports from annual physical check-ups and Biden’s own can-do spirit, his time and duties need to be managed with his age in mind.
The president simply is not up to a no-holds-barred, nearly two-hour press grilling.
Fortunately, there is someone, age 70, who could, if she would, step up and help save the president from himself and his staff. And that is Jill Biden.
No one knows Joe Biden better than she does. And no one has his best interest at heart more than she does. She needs to know, in advance, what the staff has planned for him as well as what he, himself, wants to do each day. She can shine the spotlight of reality on his schedule and help him avoid pitfalls that the younger members of the team may have unwittingly arranged for him. And she can assure–demand–breaks in his schedule for relaxation. If she is willing to be more assertive on matters related to his schedule, he needs to listen to her and follow her advice. It may not be easy for him to do that. If he doesn’t, he will place serious risks on his physical and mental health, on the office of the president and on his long-term reputation as president.
Dr. Jill Biden can begin today by insisting that press conferences be limited to one hour.
Ross Jones is a former vice president and secretary emeritus of The Johns Hopkins University. He joined the University in 1961 as assistant to President Milton S. Eisenhower. A 1953 Johns Hopkins graduate, he later earned a Master’s Degree at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism.
Bill Anderson says
Mr. Jones seems well intended although off the mark on the President and his spouse with respect to press conferences. Mr. Jones, many of us have no interest in hearing Ms. Bidens thoughts. Although I suspect that the desire to reside in the WH was far greater for her than for him, Joe was elected President. He was always regarded by the other members of the Senate as the weakest, and dumbest member of that chamber when he served there. He has not improved such as to prove them wrong.
Lengthy press conferences are too imposing on the President? Guess who absolutely controls the length — the President. There have been times that he has addressed the press, taken a few questions and then simply walked out of the room. That is always his prerogative. Last week, he attempted to prove thaty his advanced age did not hamper his ability. I am not convinced that it his age that comes into question as much as his grasp on facts that should be as easy to recite as his name. He is scary.
To stand there and say that a minor Russian incursion into Ukraine might not be completely unacceptable is itself completely unacceptable. Similar to promising that no Americans would be left behind when he ordered abandonment of Afghanistan last summer. In departing Afghanistan, we had troops killed in the process, left behind billions of $$ worth of military hardware, which is being sold to our adversaries, and caused America national embarrassment while leaving some of our allies wondering if they can trust us.
Electing Joe Biden’s successor, while also dumping his VP, selected solely upon the basis of skin color and gender, will be a great opportunity. It cannot come soon enough and I hope the nation can weather the storm he has created.
Deirdre LaMotte says
Ha, our nation would take an exhausting 2 hour Press availability with Biden over the s**t – whatever – show we were subjected to during the
last man’s time in WDC. We need Biden’s knowledge of government and
the fact he has nothing to prove; he is our ultimate public servant.
It’s almost Shakespearean how he has been called upon twice
now in the 21 Century to pick up the pieces of disastrous Republican government policy. And he is an exceptionally decent human who
cares about our nation and democracy.
As Jamie Raskin said, quoting Voltaire: “those who can make you
believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities”
It is Party over the United States for the GOP. Not just Trump, the “leader”, but 147 Republican House members and Senators. Their collective inhumane stances and their appeal to the basest inclinations of their constituents: that is nightmarish.
Give me an elder who cares about all Americans. I support a Party that has a platform. How hard is that? The GOP don’t need to stand for anything. They just gin-up their voters with their straw man monsters. And remember, it’s not “politics” that is driving this nation
to division, but it is the wholesale denial of rationality.
Patty Heaps says
Trump lives rent-free in your head, so much so that you are obviously blind to the incompetence of this man. I’d rather have a mean tweet any day over this – just putting gas in my car or the fuel to heat my house is a reminder that no, my life hasn’t improved under this administration. I’m assuming you’re old enough to remember Joe’s first two runs at the presidency, derailed because of lies yet he is the ultimate public servant? Laughable. And to suggest that Jill should be more in charge is ludicrous. Her lust to be FLOTUS has put him in a position that he can’t fulfill mentally or physically. She should be charged with elder abuse. After all, the man has barely worked a full week since being installed. One-quarter of his time has been spent in Delaware and I don’t believe for a moment it’s because that’s where his dead wife is as Psaki tried to spin it. Just because he’s “not Trump” doesn’t mean he’s doing good things for this country. His failures far outweigh any actions that the media would have you believe are successes.
Paula Reeder says
Ross, bite your tongue. You are as bad as the self important media types who approached the press conference as a Biden baiting exercise. My impression of Joe Biden’s presentation during the press conference was that he had it together and made a concerted effort to address the largely disrespectful, ridiculous questions he got from many of the press corps in an honest and dispassionate way. From my perspective, he came across as a compassionate, honest, thoughtful and informed leader. Perhaps he responded too honestly to queries related to Russia and Ukraine and his concerns about upcoming elections. Nevertheless, his answers to those questions were clear and to the point.
Frankly, I am dispirited by and sick and tired of of the younger generations ignorant trigger finger tendancy to thoughtlessly disparage the capabilities, wisdom and strengths of senior members of our society. Generally speaking, we are perfectly capable of weighing the risks of overextending ourselves. Your suggestion that Jill Biden save Joe Biden from himself is a truly an insult and a clear reflection of your ageist predjudice. The fact is that 40 something and younger members of our society don’t have all the answers to the questions and challenges of our day and never will. Its time you gave some credit where credit is due.
Beryl Smith says
In response to Mr. Anderson, let me reiterate in case it has slipped his notice that Mr. Biden walked into a white house that was already degraded by the former president. His options were few regarding Afghanistan, and his ability to stand for 2 hours and answer the sometimes ridiculous questions with calm and fortitude did, I think, do much to increase my respect for him. I dare Mr. Anderson to recite all the facts and figures that are required to lodge in the head of the president and control his spleen when the questions become “gotchas” to try to trick him up. Let’s give him his due and leave the nastiness aside. And hope that whoever follows him is not who preceded him.
James Nick says
If Messrs Jones and Anderson want scary they need some insight into the buttoned-down mind of the most recent, former Leader of the Free World…
“The light bulb — they got rid of the light bulb that people got used to. The new bulb is many times more expensive and — I hate to say it — it doesn’t make you look as good. Of course, being a vain person, that’s very important to me. It’s like — it gives you an orange look. I don’t want an orange look. Has anyone noticed that? So we’ll have to change those bulbs in at least a couple rooms where I am in the White House. … We have a situation where we’re looking very strongly at sinks and showers. And other elements of bathrooms — where you turn the faucet on, in areas where there’s tremendous amounts of water, where the water rushes out to sea because you could never handle it — and you don’t get any water. You turn on the faucet and you don’t get any water. They take a shower and water comes dripping out, just dripping out, very quietly, dripping out. People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times, as opposed to once. They end up using more water. So EPA is looking at that very strongly, at my suggestion. You go into a new building, or a new house or a new home, and they have standards where you don’t get water. You can’t wash your hands practically, so little water comes out of the faucet. And the end result is you leave the faucet on and it takes you much longer to wash your hands. .. For the most part. You have many states where they have so much water, it comes down — it’s called rain. They don’t know what to do with it. … A lot of things we do are based on common sense. If I didn’t get elected you wouldn’t have a steel industry. … We weren’t going to have a steel industry.” – Donald J trump, Very Stable Genius and President of the United States, 2/6/2019
Or maybe this headline…
Current and former U.S. officials were stunned. It was a “dereliction of duty,” says a former NATO ambassador. “It may well be the most damaging trip by an American president in memory.” –
Or perhaps these observations of DJt by former close administration officials…
“A [*******] Moron” – Rex Tillerson
“He’s Like an 11-Year-Old Child” – Steve Bannon
“An Idiot” – John Kelly
“An Idiot and a Dope” – H R McMaster
“An Idiot Surrounded by Clowns” – Gary Cohn
“Trump has the IQ of an inbred tanning bed” – Gary Cohn
“An Empty Vessel When It Comes to Things Like the Constitution and the Rule of Law” – Scott Pruitt
Every day we wake up and there isn’t someone named trump in the White House with his hands on the nuclear button is a good day… A very good day indeed.