The Talbot County Garden Club recently kicked off planning for the Talbot County portion of the 2022 Maryland House & Garden Pilgrimage. The tour, which invites visitors to several notable private properties, will take place the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend — May 7, 2022. Eleanor Denegre chairs the event.
“I am thrilled to chair the 2022 tour committee,” says Denegre. “Our committee is working hard to create an extraordinary and enjoyable experience. Our lineup of fabulous houses and exquisite spring gardens promises to be another sensational tour among the many since our biennial event was launched in 1939.”
Properties on the tour include the William Mason Shehan House, Third Haven Friends Meeting House, Riverbank, Shipshead Farm, Legacy, Gross Coate Farm, and Ashby – all in Easton. The tour will also cover a stop at the award-winning Talbot Historical Society Gardens, which are lovingly maintained by the Talbot County Garden Club.
Proceeds from the tour will help to restore Joseph’s Cottage, a late 18th Century wooden dwelling on the grounds of the Talbot Historical Society and to support the many civic projects of the garden club.
Members of the club chairing tour committees include:
Advertising: Maggie Jarboe and Louise Williams
Flowers: Ingrid Blanton and Karen Parker
Hospitality: Georgia Adler and Susie Granville
Hostesses: Jody Shaner
Luncheon: Ann Ashby and Sue Ellen Williams
Parking and Ambassadors: Alden Firth and Fran Jenkins
Patron Letter: Martha Horner and Pat Lewers
Photography: Laura Carney and Marsie Hawkinson
Publicity: Pam Keeton and Rita Mhley
Rack Cards: Rebecca Gaffney
Road Marking and Directions: Carol Harrison and Trish Reynolds
Script: Eleanor Denegre
Tour Bells: Caroline Benson
Treasurers: Joan Crowley, Maxine Millar and Virginia Sappington
More information about each of the homes, as well as ticket information will be available in the spring.
“Mark your calendars for this highly anticipated event,” adds Carolyn Rugg, club president. “Talbot County is home to some of the most beautiful estates in Maryland and is always a popular part of the statewide Pilgrimage. We feel truly lucky to be able to share our rich history and beautiful landscapes with the many visitors who are sure to come and ‘tour’.”
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