Rep. Andy Harris, a practicing anesthesiologist who represents the Eastern Shore in Congress, said he has prescribed ivermectin for treatment of COVID-19, the Washington Post reported Tuesday.
Ivermectin is used to treat parasites, with different products for humans and livestock, and the FDA, American Medical Association and national pharmacy groups warn against using it for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19.
Harris, who made the comments on a Sept. 17 radio show, also said pharmacies would not fill the prescription, the Post reported.
Harris works part-time with a physician group that provides anesthesia and other medical services to the University of Maryland Shore Medical Center in Easton.
Carol Casey says
Lord, please deliver us from Andy Harris.
Bobby R Weed says
Did it work? Yes or No?
Don E. Itall says
Extremely effective when used early in the infection phase particularity when coupled with other medications within an organized protocol. Ignore the naysayers who are so blinded by their hatred of anything Harris that they’d turn down a glass of water when dying of thirst if it were offered by Andy Harris.
Joan Berwick says
Just one more, of many reasons not to vote for Andy Harris.
George R. Shivers says
He should have his license to practice medicine removed and be expelled from Congress.
Joseph T Coyle, MD says
Hippocratic oath: Primum non nocere. “First do no harm”.
Ivermectin was serendipitously discovered to be lethal to parasitic worms and lice by Pfizer by blocking the receptor for the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in their nervous systems, causing seizures and death. Among other remarkable treatments was the eradication of River Blindness in Africa. SARS is a virus…it has no nervous system. Thus, there is absolutely no scientific reason why ivermectin should or could treat Covid-19. There have been no controlled studies to demonstrate its efficacy in Covid-19 patients. Its use emanates from the fevered brains of radical right politicians like Rep Harris, who are incapable of critical thinking and evaluating scientific evidence. It is sad that Rep Harris graduated from Hopkins Med (I am a Hopkins Med grad). He would flunk now.
Deirdre LaMotte says
That’s it!!! The creepy Right are infested with worms. Ha, no wonder they make my skin crawl!
Susan Storm says
I am embarrassed to have Andy Harris representing me. Shame on him for not following science. I will never go to his medical practice.
It’s a relief to know that pharmacies have not filled his Ivermectin prescriptions for his Covid patients.
Beryl Smith says
Andy Harris is not only an embarrassment to the state and the district, he is also a threat to the life and limbs of anyone he comes in contact with when lauding his medical degree. He should lose his license to practice medicine since he really isn’t practicing medicine but rather snake oil remedies. Then he should be removed from the congress since this is not his only misstep.g
Carla Massoni says
I can’t imagine letting this man anesthetize me…but maybe that is how he keeps winning…numbing voters with nonsense.
Paula Reeder says
An anesthesiologist has no business writing any prescriptions – much less horse and cattle worming meds – for Covid 19. Next, he’ll be scheduling brain surgery! Time to go Andy!
Gretchen F Stroh says
Agreed! Why is an anesthesiologist prescribing prescriptions…let alone veterinary ones…..Why He is just shameful
Sara Gepp says
For the life of me, I do not understand why Andy Harris keeps getting reelected. He is an awful representative for the Eastern Shore.