There’s still time to sign the White Allies Pledge before the Social Action Committee for Racial Justice (SACRJ) publishes the names of those who have made the commitment in commemoration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, January 18. The Pledge, which is available on the SACRJ website,, provides an opportunity for white people who are committed to racial equity and justice in our community to Sign Up and Be Counted.
There are two ways to sign the White Allies Pledge:
1. Click on this link and complete the consent form.
2. Send an email to [email protected] and leave a message with your consent and contact
information. You will receive a confirmation email.
The Social Action Committee for Racial Justice, formed in 2017, is a community effort to learn, grow, and take action against racism in Kent County Maryland. The focus is on identifying systemic racism and taking concrete steps to address inequities. The White Allies Pledge is an initiative of the Social Action Committee for Racial Justice executed with the assistance of the Social Concerns Social Justice Committee of the Unitarian Universalists of the Chester River.
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