Quartet, new online journal for women poets over 50, will launch January 5, 2021.
The journal, founded by four Delaware women including Chestertown native Wendy Ingersoll Perry, is the culmination of a decade of weekend workshops held at Perry’s family farm on Quaker Neck Landing Road.
The other founding poets, Gail Comorat, Linda Blaskey, and Jane Miller collaborated with Perry in 2019 for the publication of their own poetry, Walking the Sunken Boardwalks (Pond Road Press). The four also gave a reading at the Bookplate in July 2019.
Collectively, the group has published seven books, received five Delaware for the Arts grants, five Pushcarts nominations, two “Best of the Net” nominations, and one best poet award.
“We want a journal specifically for women over 50 to highlight the creativity and accomplishments of women who’ve reached an age where they’ve come into their own, have attained experience and courage, and who are flourishing even in the midst of chaos, Perry says.”
The inaugural issue will showcase 16 poets including current and former state poet laureates as well as writers from all over the country from Seattle to New York City. Chestertown’s own Meredith Davies Hadaway will appear in the issue.
Perry, who writes under the name Wendy Ingersoll, sees Quartet as place for both experienced and new women poets over 50 to share poems in traditional and contemporary forms that take on difficult themes or describe everyday life with wonder and surprise.
“The Eastern Shore is so rich with writers and poets we wanted to reach out and make sure people are aware of our new presence,” Perry says.
The plan is to publish four times a year and the submission period of Issue 1 will be January 8 to February 8 of 2021.
All women writers over 50 are encouraged to read their Submissions Guideline in Issue 1.
On January 5, Quartet will be online at quartetjournal.com A previous Spy interview with Perry may be found here.
Appearing in this photograph: from left to right are Gail Comorat and LInda Blaskey, standing, and Wendy Ingersoll Perry and Jane Miller, sitting.
mare leonard says
looking forward to contributing