Sumner Hall will hold a Beautification Dedication and Celebratory Garden Blessing Ceremony at 6 pm on November 6, 2020 as part of Chestertown’s First Friday Celebration. Featuring music by The Seedlings of Wilmington and Aretha’s Creative Touch, we will recognize those who made this project possible by gathering behind Sumner Hall.
The Sumner Hall Beautification Project was established to provide a learning opportunity for youth of the Rising Sons Mentoring Program to gain new skills – gardening work ethic and community engagement – while upgrading the front yard of Sumner Hall and maintaining it throughout the year.
Sumner Hall’s Board Member, Doncella Wilson, introduced Rising Sons and its leader, Harold Somerville, Jr., to Sumner Hall. The Rising Sons have been working at Sumner Hall for several weeks, preparing for the plantings. Volunteers Carol Niemand and Ruth Menefee assisted by suggesting the type of plants that would have been used when Sumner Hall was founded. ShoreRiversmade a sizeable donation towards the purchase of plants and Unity Nursery contributed the plan and the time of workers to plant the area.
“Many thanks to everyone who has made this a success!” said Larry Wilson, President of Sumner Hall. “Working together, we have been able to enhance the appearance of Sumner Hall while providing a learning and service opportunity for the young people of the Rising Sons. We hope that many members of the community will join us to celebrate – while observing COVID-19 safety requirements.”
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