With just a few days left before Election Day in the United States, we want to know if our country is going in the right direction or taking the wrong track.
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Terry Rabinowitz says
I do not like how President Trump has dealt with the corona virus in the past or how he plans to deal with it in the future.
Ann Miller says
Why were our only choice Biden or Trump?
Why was there no option that allowed for a third party choice?
What a shame some of the other folks on the Presidential Ballot were not thought enough of to at least recognize that they were running….
Patricia Heaps says
The very idea that Joe Biden was the best the Democrats had to offer would point to the wrong track. That he is being promoted and propped up by the most dishonest media ever would point to the wrong track. Watching him in action as his handlers try to keep him in line has gone from faintly humorous to elder abuse. Of course, the MSM are also working furiously to present him as a viable candidate – but he’s not. Who runs a campaign from their basement? It’s positively ludicrous. He would be declared unfit in the first three months of his presidency, leaving the door open for Kamala – and who wants that? The Biden/Harris ticket has so many red flags it wouldn’t be the wrong track but a crash course. His puppet masters have already hinted at how easy he would be to manipulate to a more aggressive progressive stance. The press refuses to report truthfully on either candidate and yes, that is the wrong track.