The public is invited to “A Conversation with Attorney General Brian Frosh” at the August meeting of the Democratic Club of Kent County, Thursday 8/20/20. The meeting will take place via Zoom, with a social time at 6:30 pm, followed by a brief business meeting, and Mr. Frosh speaking at 7:00.
Mr. Frosh is “The People’s Lawyer” — he works to ensure fairness, equality and justice for all Marylanders. His efforts in the areas of eliminating discrimination in law enforcement, protecting vulnerable populations, promoting economic justice, advocating for civil and voting rights, and protecting the environment are covered in more detail here: Come and hear how he is working to advance these causes and to protect our rights within the State of Maryland, and in the face of federal efforts to go backwards in these areas.
DCKC members will receive a Zoom link for this meeting. Contact the club at [email protected] if you are not a member and would like to attend.
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