Fresh Conversations, a free University of Maryland Extension nutrition education program for people ages 50 years and older will be offered online. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the in-person program has been delayed until further notice.
Extension Educators Beverly Jackey, MS, RDN and Cheryl Bush, MS, RDN, will be presenting Fresh Conversations to residents in Cecil, Kent, and Queen Anne’s Counties.
The program officially begins on Wednesday, July 29th and includes eight sessions focusing on nutrition topics of interest for older adults, but anyone can attend.
Topics for the 2020 Fresh Conversations online program include:
July 29 Should You Worry About Vitamin D Deficiency?
August 21 Lower Your Stroke Risk
August 26 Go with Your Gut Bacteria
September 9 Dairy Case Dilemma: Is It Really Milk?
September 23 Heart-Healthy Fat Facts
October 7 Sugar: Sinfully Sweet
October 21 Ancient Grains Make a Come Back
November 4 Eating Out and Eating Healthy-Just Got Easier
After attending each session, participants will receive a free copy of the Seasoned Newsletter which includes recipes, food preparation tips and other activities.
To review the complete Fresh Conversations webinar schedule, description of each session or to register for the upcoming sessions, go to: or
Fresh Conversations will be offered by other Extension educators throughout the state on different dates.To find out when you can attend other online programs, visit you county’s Extension website or go to the University of Maryland’s Fresh Conversations page and click on the counties on the bottom of the page at
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