We asked readers to again consider how favorable or unfavorable they are towards about a dozen organizations and people. These same organizations and people appeared on the last thermometer survey taken 60 days ago. Thank you to the many readers who responded.
Here’s what we found.
Overall the ratings were lower this time signaling a general decline in favorability ratings. However, the strongest favorability ratings went to Dr. Fauci, Governor Hogan, Personal Physician and The Spy. Over the course of 60 days, Governor Hogan’s score declined somewhat and people’s Personal Physician scored somewhat higher.
Ratings given to the various media organizations we asked about are just a tick above neutral, but all were lower than they were 60 days ago.
President Trump had the most unfavorable score in the survey which was the case 60 days ago; however, his score did tick up just bit.
We also asked in Survey #15 about whether readers were connecting with online programing. In a range where “4” represents very often and “1” represents never, Chestertown Spy readers came in pretty much in the middle with “1.7.”
For those going online, we asked what organizations were being viewed most frequently. The word cloud below shows what was mentioned most often:
Lonnie Bozarth says
What do you expect from a predominantly democrat Kent County. Ask the real questions. Do you support BLM, Antifa. Do like what’s been happening around the country with the so called peaceful protests, the rioting, looting and the pulling down of the statues around the country. Good or bad those statues are a part of our history. And we should have learned from it, but evidently not. The police departments are being defunded. Who are you going to call when you need help? Wake up people can’t you see what’s going on out there? Anarchy is what it’s leading to. Don’t let socialism pull the mask you’re wearing over your eyes to see the truth !