2020 has been a terrible year. But it can get worse. Trump could get re-elected. Is 2016 about to repeat itself?
Recent revelations by former National Security Advisor John Bolton and others have confirmed that the President will do anything to get re-elected. While it is unclear whether he understands it is wrong to seek foreign help to get reelected, that’s what he is doing. And because Trump has done more than any foreign adversary could to undermine our role in the world, plenty of countries are more than happy to oblige.
Evidence of foreign interference already has been documented with no meaningful response. Don’t expect one from the White House. That’s about as likely as expecting Trump to turn himself in to the IRS for cheating on his taxes. Vice President Biden has raised the issue, but it sometimes seems no one’s paying attention. Biden and most other Democrats are closely watching the polls. There’s a lot to like. So far, the election appears to be Biden’s, and the Democrats, to lose. If that’s the case, what should a gaffe-prone candidate do? Lay low? Be careful?
And therein lies the problem. Democrats again have counted chickens before they’re hatched. They look at Trump’s blunders, lies, crimes, and chaos and are unable to imagine him getting re-elected. And because the polls suggest they are right, they are not doing enough to ensure the right election results. They are making the same mistake they made in 2016, when pretty much every Democrat, from Hillary on down, assumed the election was a formality.
What if the polls are wrong? What if overconfident Democrats assume the polls are right and, wanting to avoid the risk of contracting the virus, stay home? What if Trumpers, motivated by what they see as an unfair attack on the President and their priorities, turn out in unexpectedly high numbers? What if vote-by-mail proves to be a fiasco, as Trump and others predict? What would Trump do if evidence, even scant evidence, suggests that the election outcome is unclear? Add to this the unfortunate possibility of Biden becoming incapacitated in some fashion between now and election day.
Are these real worries? Maybe not all of them, but there is certainly enough to cause one to worry. Democrats, independents, alienated republicans, and everyone else eligible to vote must get in gear to minimize the possibility of a disaster in November.
Necessary actions include the obvious tasks of voter registration but also should include getting everyone to focus on the election. Think about it. Discussions of Biden’s agenda have taken a back seat to the issue of racism. These discussions are important and overdue but not to the extent that it blinds voters to the possibility of Trump winning in November. Put in other words, progressives need to broaden their focus beyond police brutality, racism, and economic justice and start focusing on Trump’s record and what a new, sane administration might look like.
The leadership of the Democratic party needs to do something it hasn’t done this year to date—take risks. Those risks include getting Biden in front of the key issues of the day. He should lead calls for racial justice and criminal justice reform, rather than throwing his support behind the proposals of others. He also needs to take Trump on. What if Biden challenged Trump to a debate now? It could be a win for Biden if Trump declined. It would also be a win if Trump embarrassed himself in such a debate. It would be a win if it re-awakened the public to the pending election. The only loss would be if Biden wasn’t up to the task. I think he is, but the Democratic leadership and Biden himself need to take the risk.
Hillary Clinton, whether you like her or not, should have been elected President in 2016. Democratic complacency is what let Russian interference and other shenanigans help Trump win. If democrats and other anti-Trump voters had been on the job in 2016, Trump would have lost and returned to reality TV and real estate fraud, clearly his strong suit.
Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.
J.E. Dean of Oxford is a retired attorney and public affairs consultant. For more than 30 years, he advised clients on federal education and social service policy.
Gretchen Stroh says
I do believe he could win again. I also believe he will contest the election if Biden wins. We are foolish to underestimate what he will do to stay president. Personally, I think he would try to wangle a way to stay president for more than 2 terms.
John Dean says
Ms. Stroh: Thank you for commenting. I hope you are wrong about what might happen should Biden win in November, but I share your fears that he may contest the outcome.
Frances Reed says
It would indeed be taking a risk to put Mr. Biden on a debate stage with the President. A risk I believe the Democrats are unwilling to take. I too would like to know how Mr. Biden is going to resolve problems. China? Justice for All? He has been in Politics for almost fifty years – can you show me what he has accomplished? (Other than the plagiarism that killed his last Presidential run, and lying about his record) Ditto Pilosi, Schumer, Nadler and the rest (if you add up the total ‘years of experience’ for the four of them it’s close to TWO HUNDRED – with virtually nothing to show for it). Remembers – there were long stretches of time when the Dems owned both the House and the Senate with wide majorities – all the things they are blaming Trump for – they had the opportunity to fix for many years and didn’t even try. Trump has been in office for THREE YEARS and all the problems they failed/didn’t attempt too solve are suddenly ALL HIS FAULT? Do they really believe that the public is so gullible? All one has to do is look at their record. I understand – Hatred for a man who has actually accomplished things and has not been a professional politician must be galling – for despite all their name calling, impeachment, downright lies and fault finding, he STILL managed to accomplish what they have never been able to, and despite all his setbacks and their attacks, has made it look easy.
But choosing a Democratic President based on ” He’s not Trump,” seems a pretty poor reason to vote for someone. Of course, he could be kept in his basement and leave all the decisions to others – he is, after all, a Professional Politician.
Deirdre LaMotte says
Are you kidding me? We have a pathological lier in the White House, someone who spews hate and divisiveness in every
utterance….and you question VP Biden? Question: when you were raised did your parents teach any moral lessons
on how one treats one’s fellow citizen? Trump has a streak of cruelty that defies any civilized behavior. So tax cuts and race baiting are fine, correct? Is there any measure of decency you need in an elected official? Obviously not. You like the entertainment and the “stick it to the “liberals”, right.? And how you all want some moron with a megaphone to tell you you are correct in all your hate. Oh gosh, and those Clintons…better check those emails. Pathetic.
Bring on November’s election. I am so over this poison.
Frances Reed says
Where is your proof? Where is Trump’s race-baiting? Where is all the hate? In fact, the hate seems to be pouring in from the left. You are absolutely entitled to your opinion but constant vituperation doesn’t resolve any problems. I would respect you more if you researched your subject and quoted proven chapter and verse rather than spewing of nonproven comments. We are a country of laws, the Salem witch hunt was over centuries ago. Mass hysteria over a man trying to do one of the hardest jobs in the world is so unfair. Trump is a brave man battling terrible odds. I for one respect a man who stands his ground for what he believes, whatever the personal cost, versus one who shows us over and over that he blows with the wind.
John Dean says
Thank you for reading the piece and commenting. We’re obviously on different pages, but please know that I do not hate Trump but oppose his re-election. Its not because the country faces problems that have not been solved, its because of what Trump has done. To name just two–denial of climate change and failed leadership on the coronavirus pandemic.
I hope voters will compare the records of both Biden and Trump in coming months. Then voters can weigh the merits of both candidates and make their choice.
Frances Reed says
Mr. Dean – thank you for your measured response. May I ask: What failed leadership in the Coronovirus pandemic? Did he not stop travel from China amongst Dems crying “Xenaphobia” and villifying him saying “There is no pandemic.” Has he not tried to help the American people with incentives? Perhaps you feel he has been too cavalier with his current response on trying to get us back to work? Decisions have to be made, and only time will tell if they were the wrong or right ones. What would you do in his place?
On climate change – I don’t think he is in denial of climate change – he is in denial that the US should carry the brunt of the cost when China and India are free to polute all they want until at least 2025 and contribute far less financially. As a businessman he knows that you invest your money where you get the greatest return for that investment. I was in big business for thirty years. You learn when to cut your losses, painful as it might be!
Maria Wood says
Mr. Dean, I usually find at least one bone to pick with you (all in the spirit of healthy discourse, naturally), but in this instance I agree with you almost entirely in this column.
John Dean says
Ms. Wood: Thank you for your kind comment. It is much appreciated.
Beryl Smith says
I was in Cuba on election night 2016 and stayed up until very late convinced that somehow what I was seeing was wrong and would be righted. Like you, Mr. Dean, I fear what this election might bring not only on election night but the destruction to our national fabric if there are 4 more years of this administration. I read comments of those committed to the Trump agenda and cannot believe the trust put in him when he has already done everything he could to not support those in need or downtrodden. I can only hope and pray that this time things will turn out right–but there is a lot of work to be done. In that I totally agree with you.
John Dean says
Thank you for reading and commenting.
Patricia Heaps says
I’m not forgetting 2016 and look forward to doing it all over again. Why do you think the Dems are so reluctant to let Joe out of the basement? Could it be his obvious cognitive decline? Yes, it will be a risk to put Joe on a debate stage and one I hope the Democrats are willing to take. What if Biden challenged Trump today for a debate? I think Trump would clear his schedule – after all, why wait? I’m surprised by those who place so much stock in debates when, if Joe’s past performances are any indication, he doesn’t seem to be up to the task. Progressives have put all their eggs in the basket of police brutality and racial injustice while the rest of America is looking to get back to work. The scenes from the last four weeks are not going to age well for Democrats – most sane people are sick and tired of it. It ceased to be about George Floyd as soon as that 3rd funeral was over – at a time when others in this country were unable to bury their loved ones with respect.
Donald Trump told us to protect our borders, to bring manufacturing back home, and to take care of America first. I’ll never forget how Democrats have fought him every step of the way and I’m not alone.
Deirdre LaMotte says
And he has done none of that. Face it all you Trumpers: you love the crassness and the anti-intellectual brand that is “Trump”. This election is not about politics. It is about the future of our Democracy..
If you do not believe me, how about listening to every former top level administration appointee, appointed by Trump. He is a danger to this country. And if Francis doesn’t see Trump’s race-baiting then there is an unbelievable obtuseness
with a minority of Americans. Open you eyes and see what The majority of your fellow Americans are feeling.