One of the most important issues mentioned several months ago in discussions on the Eastern Shore was global warming. The Spy found a recent list of important things we should do to reduce Greenhouse Gases and thus Global Warming. It got us thinking…just what are we most likely and least likely to do?
This is a survey where a list of ten items is ranked. The TOP of the list are MOST LIKELY and at the BOTTOM of the list should be the LEAST LIKELY things you would do. Enjoy the survey and look for results in The Spy on Wednesday.
Take the Chestertown Spy Poll here.
J.M. Kramer says
The survey is so poorly worded that it is not worth filling out. It asks readers to rank order the list of things to do from top to bottom but then gives a ranking from 1 to 10. Which is top 1 or 10? To easy to confuse, results will be meaningless. Please, try again I was looking forward to seeing the results.