As the Spy has pointed out in a recent editorial, the country and our region will be facing an unprecedented moment in history when many meetings, performances, schools and other gatherings will temporarily come to an halt. To help with this unexpected slow down, each day for the next thirty days The Spy will share with our readers suggestions from our long list of writers and friends on how to pass the time as the country and the Mid-Shore endure social isolation.
Today is Spy reader Marty Sikes:
Read: The Alice Network by Kate Quinn
Watch: Spy Wars with Damian Lewis
Listen: Kenny Rogers Greatest Hits
Cook: Any leftovers in the freezer that are identifiable
Outing: Kayaking on the Upper Miles River
Marti Hawkins says
I read and loved The Alice Network. Fascinating book.
Kat Conley says
The Alice Network was a fabulous read! Enjoy!