Saints Peter and Paul first built a school in Easton in 1990 as a temporary structure with only 14,000 square feet, or about the size of a large ACE hardware store. That building was so well designed that it has taken two decades for the School, its volunteer leaders, and the Diocese of Wilmington, to decide to build a new facility adjacent to its main church on South Washington Street.
That decision did not come easily since the new building, as well as a new family center for the Parish, came in with a price tag of $18 million. That was one extremely large enchilada for any institution on the Mid-Shore to take on. Still, with passionate leadership, a devoted community, and perhaps some spiritual support, almost $16 million has been raised, and ground has been broken.
Interested in all of the Eastern Shore’s small mouses that roar, the Spy sat down with two key stakeholders, Father James Nash, pastor for the Church and School, and Saints Peter and Paul School principal, James Nemeth, to better understand its master plan.
This video is approximately four minutes in length. For more information about Saints Peter and Paul please go here.
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