Eva Teresia Browning
Eva Teresia Browning passed away peacefully at the age of 83 on January 18, 2020. Eva was the daughter of Simon and Regina Schiller. She is survived by her husband of 57 years, Dr. Gordon Browning; her son Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Byron Browning; her daughter-in-law, Kathleen; her daughter, Mary Conklin; and five grandchildren: Olivia Alligood, Madison Browning, Hunter Browning, Spencer Conklin and Winston Conklin.
Eva was born in Sulzbach-Rosenburg, Federal Republic of Germany on March 20, 1936. She immigrated to the United States in 1957 through Staten Island in New York City and became a proud naturalized citizen eight years later. Eva was a long-time resident of Chestertown, Maryland, having relocated there in 1972. She worked at Washington College for 35 years in both the business office and with the department of public safety.
Eva volunteered endless hours with the Post 36 American Legion Auxiliary, serving in numerous leadership positions at the local, district and state levels. Eva’s recognized leadership led to her election as the President of The American Legion Auxiliary for the State of Maryland.
As President, she travelled across the state of Maryland officiating, speaking and visiting legion posts through this role. She developed life-long friendships with people all around Maryland. Eva was instrumental in advocating The American Legion Auxiliary mission to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. Eva played a vital role each year as a staff member for Girls State. She worked with future youth leaders and inspired in the girls of sense patriotism and love of Nation.
Eva loved her family and friends and she will be missed by all who knew her. In accordance with her wishes, there will be no funeral service. A private memorial service will be held later at the Eastern Shore Veteran’s Cemetery in Hurlock, Maryland. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Maryland Girls’ State program at: https://www.alamd.org/girls-state.html. Please view and share your thoughts with Eva’s family at https://www.dignitymemorial.com.
Marty Stetson says
Eva was a really nice lady and a good neighbor and she will be missed by all her knew her.
Julie Nordhoff says
Eva & Gordon were regulars at the Harbor Shack.If only every customer were as pleasant and nice as they were.She will be greatly missed by me and all the Harbor Shack employees.RIP Eva and prayers to Gordon and family.