The Auxiliary of Memorial Hospital at Easton celebrated service milestones of many of its members on Thursday, October 17, at their annual luncheon at the Tred Avon Yacht Club in Oxford.
At the luncheon, UM Shore Regional Health President and CEO Ken Kozel thanked Auxiliary members for their countless hours and generous support for UM SRH initiatives and provided an update on the health care network’s accomplishments during the past year. Keith McMahan, chairman, UM SRH Board of Directors, was introduced and expressed his admiration for Auxiliary and its support for UM Shore Medical Center at Easton, the Cancer Center at UM Shore Regional Health and UM Shore Emergency Center at Queenstown. Graham Lee, vice president, Philanthropy, thanked the Auxiliary members for providing two event sponsorships during 2019, $10,000 for the Fourth Annual Clay Shoot at Pintail Point benefiting the Clark Comprehensive Breast Center and $25,000 for the Annual UM SRH Golf Tournament benefiting Surgical Services at the hospital. Auxiliary President Liz Hannegan provided a review of the Auxiliary’s highlights in 2019, including the adoption of the organization’s new blue uniforms and the renovation of Maggie’s Gift Shop in the hospital.
Patti Willis, senior vice president, Strategy and Communications, announced the Auxiliary members honored for passing service milestones this year. They are:
For 100 Hours: Peggy Carusso, Bonnie Foxwell, Donald Goodliffe, Mark Greene, Beverly Hahn, Frances Mason, Merry McNeil, Marie Mueller, Joyce Mumaw, Nancy O’Connor, Sharon Ostrye, Ruth Renkenberger, Jim Robertson and Cressy Spence
For 250 Hours: Jane Ernst, Pepper Holmes, Midge Kroll, Jack Lane, Gabrielle May, Krishan Patel. Cornelius Potter, Barbara Shearer, Frederica Shirey, Judy Smith, Barbara Watters and Edward Wildasin
For 500 Hours: Karen Collins, Antoinette Cooper, Gloria Douma, Jane Holly, Kathy Hotz, Kirstie Kingston and Elaine Rippel
For 750 Hours: Diane Daffin, Richard Hill, Sherry Spencer and Mary Young
For 1000 Hours: Barbara Gardella, JoAnn Martin, Phyllis Matthai, Ronald Weber, Penny Womack and Mike Scheidt
For 1500 Hours: Judith Coffren, Thomas Cronshaw, Pauline Figliozzi, Virginia Ann Harvey, Jean Hobbs, Cecelia Laufert, Janet Pfeffer and Susan Silver
For 2000 Hours: Robert Savoie and Gervois Wooters
For 3000 Hours: William Hough and Emilie Joshi
For 4500 Hours: Doralice Cassidy and Liz Hannegan
For 4000 Hours: Nancy Espenhorst and Margaret Green
For 5000 Hours: Regina Holland and William Jenkins
For 5500 Hours: Anita Rowan
For 6000 Hours: Art Cecil
For 6500 Hours: Barbara Brown, Janet Granger and Bertha B. Wilson
For 8000 Hours: Carolyn Behr and Joyce Kent
For 9500 Hours: Gail Jenkins and Neal O’Shea
For 11,000 Hours: Terry Stephan
For 11,500 Hours: Debbie Hayes
For 12,500 Hours: Elva Pierce
For 15,500 Hours: Joe Shultz
For 16,500 Hours: Margaret Blair
For 21,500 Hours: Pauline Lane
As part of the University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS), University of Maryland Shore Regional Health is the principal provider of comprehensive health care services for more than 170,000 residents of Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne’s and Talbot counties on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. UM Shore Regional Health’s team of more than 2,200 employees, medical staff, board members and volunteers works with various community partners to fulfill the organization’s mission of Creating Healthier Communities Together.
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